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When dealing with long-lived processes, it is useful to know when they terminate to either act upon it, or to have other processes terminate together as a unit.

For these use-cases, Riot has monitors and links. One key difference between these two is that links are bidirectional and transitive. Monitors are not.


A monitor lets one process (pid1) be notified when another process (pid2) terminates. Monitors are created with the function monitor pid1 pid2, like this:

let pid1 = spawn loop in
let pid2 =
  spawn (fun () ->
    monitor (self ()) pid1;
    await_monitor_message ())
(* ... *)

In our example, our second process is looping using a function that awaits a specific monitoring message called Process_down, which includes the Pid of the process that died.

let rec await_monitor_message () =
  match receive () with
  | Process.Messages.Monitor (Process_down pid) ->
      Format.printf "uh-oh! Process %a terminated\n%!" Pid.pp pid
  | _ -> await_monitor_message ()

If you've followed the tutorial so far, this should look familiar. await_monitor_message is:

  • a recursive function
  • that suspends the process until a message is received
  • and prints out a message when the monitored process goes down

To actively terminate our first process here, we can use exit pid Normal, which tells the runtime to terminate this process with the reason Normal. Exit reasons are a way to capture why a process terminated, and include:

  • Normal – used when a process' exit is expected, and is the default when a process function finishes
  • Exception exn – used when a process ended because of an unhandled exception


A link, in contrast to a monitor, will actually link together the lifecycle of 2 processes. This means that if pid1 goes down, so does pid2.

This is incredibly useful to split up work into several processes while still being able to deal with all of them as a single unit of work.

In our example, we create 2 more processes (pid3 and pid4):

let pid3 = spawn loop in
let pid4 =
  spawn (fun () ->
    link pid3;
    loop ())
(* ... *)

Two differences to note here are:

  1. both of processes are using a regular infinite-loop function, no need to match on a specific message
  2. the link pid function always links the current process with another process.

Since links are bidirectional, linking one end of 2 processes is enough.

Links are also transitive, which means that if we add a new process pid5 and link it to pid4, then exiting pid3 will terminate pid4 which will terminate pid5.

Hopefully this gives you an idea of how links can be used to group processes and establish dependencies between them.

Realistic Example

For example, a "slack-to-discord" tunnel would need to read from slack, and write to discord. Each of those tasks can be done in a separate process. But if the slack connection goes down, it doesn't make sense to keep the discord connection open. We can model our tunnel with links like this:

graph TD
    SConn[Slack Connection]
    DConn[Discord Connection]
    S2DT -->|link| SConn & DConn

So that when the Slack Connection process terminates, it will also terminate the Tunnel process, which will also terminate the Discord Connection.

In the next chapters we will learn about supervision, which will help us restart this tunnel and recreate our processes from a known-state, using different strategies.

Next Steps

  • the next step introduces you to supervisors, a concept built on top of links to orchestrate processes using certain strategies.