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vsmd is a free and very simple molecular dynamics code. It simulates the most
simple case in which a classical potential can be used to model actual bulk
materials: the Lennard-Jones potential for noble gas crystals and liquids.

Calculations can be carried out at finite temperature and pressure.

The potential is taken into account up to a cutoff radius. To avoid jumps in 
the energy for particles crossing the cutoff distance the potential is shifted
to zero at the cutoff. As an alternative to the Lennard-Jones Potential the
exponential Buckingham potential can be used.

The determination of interacting pairs is done in a simple double loop for
every time step.

Periodic boundary conditions with a minimum image criterion are used in all
spatial directions to reduce finite size effects.

All calculations are performed in dimensionless quantities. The rules after
which these reduced units are constructed can be found in the subdirectory 

Currently only hydrostatic pressure coupling is implemented, because the 
Berendsen integrator cannot handle changing box shapes. However triclinic box
shapes and anisotropic pressures are not a problem if you implement an 
integrator that can handle them. Periodic boundaries will be maintained for any
shape unless the minimum image criterion is violated.

For an introduction to the molecular dynamics method please have a look at:
  Ercolessi, F.: A molecular dynamics primer. Spring College in Computational
                 Physics, ICTP, Trieste, 1997
For the Berendsen temperature and pressure coupling method please see:

  Berendsen, H. J. C. et al.: Molecular dynamics with coupling to an external
                              bath. In: J. Chem. Phys. 81 (1984), No. 8, 
                              p. 3684–3690

If you have any questions about this code or encounter bugs, please contact the

##0. Building

This chapter assumes that you are working in a standard Linux environment with
tools like g++, make and git already installed. Other operating systems should
not be a problem if you are able to modify the build scripts and provide the
required dependencies.

* [Eigen >=3.05](
* [Boost >=1.48](

After having installed the required dependencies the source code can be
obtained and compiled with the following commands:

  git clone git://
  cd vsmc
You should now have an executable named vsmd in the vsmd folder.

##1. Scripting

An example script that shows how to extract physical quantities from 
simulations is given by It calculates the energy per particle for a
series of temperatures at fixed finite pressure. A structural phase transition
is associated with a jump in the energy per particle. This jump is the so
called melting heat. To execute the script type:

You should now find some data files and a plot in the data subfolder, which is 
automatically created by the script.


* [Python 2.7](
* [Numpy >=1.6.1](
* [pyxplot >=0.8.4](

Note: If you do not prefer Python as a scripting language, you can construct
      your own scripts in your programming language of choice, of course.
Note: Under Ubuntu 12.04 numpy 1.6.1 sets the cpu affinity of all python
      subprocesses to one specific cpu core. To circumvent this 
      taskset -p 0xff <pid> is used, which might not be necessary for you or
      even problematic if numpy does that for a good reason.

##2. Command line arguments

vsmd [uint processid]
     [uint mode]
     [uint potential]
     [uint gridsize]
     [uint nsteps]
     [float boxlength]
     [float rcutoff]
     [float deltat]
     [float t_thermo]
     [float t_baro]
     [float T_des]
     [float P_des]
 uint processid
In case multiple instances of vsmd are started with the same parameters for the
purpose of statistical evaluation, different process ids are used to seed the 
random number generators. Starting multiple instances of vsmd with identical
process id and settings at the same time will result in identical results.

 uint mode
Sets the integration algorithm and ensemble to be used.
== 1: Use Velocity-Verlet integrator in NVE ensemble.
== 2: Use Velocity-Verlet integrator with simple rescaling thermostat in NVT
== 3: Use Leapfrog integrator with Berendsen Thermostat in NVT ensemble.
== 4: Use Leapfrog integrator with Berendsen Thermostat and Barostat in NPT
== 5: Mode 4 with output of averaged energy per particle.
Note: Except for mode 5 no file ouptut is generated. Mode 5 can be seen as an
      example of how to extract physical quantities from the simulation. Modes
      1 to 4 only demonstrate how a molecular dynamic loop can be constructed 
      and aid the programmer in determining the performance of a certain system

 uint potential
Sets pair potential to be used.
== 1: Use Lennard-Jones 12-6 (inverse polynomial) potential.
== 2: Use Buckingham (exponential) potential.

 uint gridsize
Set the number of conventional fcc lattice cells to be used in every spatial 
direction. A gridsize of 6 will result in a simulation volume containing 6*6*6
conventional fcc lattice cell, i.e. 4*6*6*6=864 atoms.

 uint nsteps
Sets the total number of timesteps to perform before the simulation is stopped.

 float boxlength
Sets the reduced length of the cubic simulation volume. A boxlength of 20
results in a volume V=20*20*20.
Note: The boxlength must always exceed 2*rcutoff to fulfill the minimum image
      criterion. For the pressure controlled runs this has to be checked 
      A cutoff radius of 2.1 allows a maximum pressure of 35 for a
      gridsize of 6 in order to maintain the minimum image criterion.

 float rcutoff
Sets the reduced potential cutoff radius beyond which atomic interactions are

 float deltat
Sets the reduced width of the integration time steps. The smaller the values 
set, the more cpu time will be needed for physical quantities to relax. Large
values will result in large numerical errors in the integration algorithms.

 float t_thermo
Sets the thermostat rise time in units of the time step width deltat. A 
t_thermo of 10 will effectively result in a thermostat rise time of 10*deltat.
Rise times smaller than unity will always result in unphysical behaviour.

 float t_baro
Sets the barostat rise time in units of the time step width deltat. A 
t_baro of 150 will effectively result in a barostat rise time of 150*deltat.
Rise times smaller than unity will always result in unphysical behaviour.

 float T_des
Sets the desired reduced system temperature.

 float P_des
Sets the desired reduced hydrostatic system pressure.


Copyright (c) 2013, Daniel Guterding <>

vsmd is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

vsmd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with vsmd. If not, see <>.


A very simple molecular dynamics code.







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