Simple hotel Rest API based on Spring Boot, Java 8, Hibernate
Hotel application allow for features as listed:
Hotel administrator perspective
- List all available hotels
- Create new hotel
- List all available rooms for specified hotel
- Create new rooms for specified hotel
Hotel client perspective
- List available rooms for specified parameters
- Arrival date (start)
- Leaving date (end)
- Desired city (city)
- Minimum price for room (min)
- Maximum price for room (max)
To build application using maven tool. Write below command in command line from root project dierectory.
mvn clean install
mvnw - maven wrapper could be used too*
From project directory
mvn spring-boot:run
or start compiled jar from target directory after application build step
java -jar target/spring-hotel-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Postman collection is available in postman directory. Just import it to postman application.
Available at
Hotel administration api
command | description |
http GET :8080/hotel | List all hotels |
http POST :8080/hotel name:='"HotelName"' city:='"City"' | Create new hotel |
http GET :8080/hotel/HotelName | Get info about hotel with given name |
http GET :8080/hotel/HotelName/room | Get hotel rooms list |
http POST :8080/hotel/HotelName/room price:='200' | Add room with price to hotel configuration |
Hotel client api
command | description |
http GET :8080/reservation start=="2016-02-01" end=="2016-02-03" city=="Poznan" min=="100" max=="250" | List available room for specified parameters |
http POST :8080/reservation start:='"2017-05-24"' end:='"2017-05-26"' roomId:='1' | Add new reservation |
- Allow admins to accept reservations
- Add spring security and create separate roles for administrators and clients
- Registration endpoint for clients and hotel administrators
- Serve resources only to owners (hotels)
- Allow to list or cancel client reservations
- Document api with swagger
- Add missing JavaDocs to code base
- Change unchecked Runtime exception to checked. Add error codes with description on controller exceptions.