Rmre is utility gem for creating Ruby on Rails, at the moment only ActiveRecord, models for legacy databases. Besides creating all models it sets proper table name and primary key if tables and columns naming doesn’t follow Rails convention. It also tries to read all foreign keys data from a database if DBE is MySql, PostgreSQL, Oracle or MS SQL and sets models relationships on a basic level through belongs_to and has_many declarations.
Rmre gem is on the Rubygems and you can install it with
gem install rmre
Rmre is very simple to use:
rmre -a mysql -d my_database -u my_username -p my_password -o /path/where/models/will/be/created
That’s all! Of course there is standard help which you can print at any time:
rmre --help
rmre -h
I believe that command line options are self explanatory especially if you are familliar with Ruby on Rails database handling. Apart from Ruby on Rails related options there are several that should be explained.
-m or --mode -n or --dsn
are user for setting ODBC specific arguments. First one must be used with MS SQL and must be set to ODBC and the second one is data source name.
Otput directory can be set with:
-o /path/to/target/directory --out /path/to/target/directory
otherwise Rmre will create models in the directory where it is started.
Rmre can also filter tables for which it will create models. Filtering is very basic and it mathes whether name of the table starts with passed patterns:
-i ec_,vi_ --include ic_,vi_
with create models only for tables names with prefixes ec_ or vi_.
If you want to try Rmre and you do not have sample database you can use Sakila at dev.mysql.com/doc/sakila/en/sakila.html#sakila-installation for MySQL and Pagila at pgfoundry.org/projects/dbsamples for PostgreSQL.
Improve filtering
Write more tests
Foreign key support for other DBEs (firebird, SQLite, Sybase,…)
Probably much more which I cannot remember right now