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dresende committed Aug 11, 2013
1 parent 8be49a7 commit 8a57bcf
Showing 1 changed file with 9 additions and 220 deletions.
229 changes: 9 additions & 220 deletions
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@@ -107,85 +107,17 @@ You can call `` more than once to have multiple database connections.
will be joined together in `req.models`. **Don't forget to use it before `app.use(app.router)`, preferably right after your
assets public folder(s).**

## Settings

Settings are used to store key value pairs. A settings object is stored on the global orm object and on each database connection.

var orm = require("orm");
## Documentation

orm.settings.set("some.deep.value", 123);
Documentation is moving to the [wiki](

orm.connect("....", function (err, db) {
// db.settings is a snapshot of the settings at the moment
// of orm.connect(). changes to it don't affect orm.settings
## Settings

console.log(db.settings.get("some.deep.value")); // 123
console.log(db.settings.get("some.deep")); // { value: 123 }
More in the [wiki](
See information in the [wiki](

## Connecting

First, add the correct driver to your `package.json`:

driver | npm package | version
mysql | mysql | 2.0.0-alpha7
postgres<br/>redshift | pg | ~1.0.0
sqlite | sqlite3 | 2.1.7
mongodb | mongodb | 1.3.11

These are the versions tested. Use others (older or newer) at your own risk.

### Options

You can pass in connection options either as a string:

var orm = require("orm");

orm.connect("mysql://username:password@host/database?pool=true", function (err, db) {
// ...

**Note:** `pool` is only supported by mysql & postgres. When 'pool' is set to true, your database connections are cached so that connections can be reused, optimizing performance.

**Note:** `strdates` is only supported by sqlite. When true, date fields are saved as strings, compatible with django

Or as an object:

var opts = {
database : "dbname",
protocol : "[mysql|postgres|redshift|sqlite]",
host : "",
port : 3306, // optional, defaults to database default
user : "..",
password : "..",
query : {
pool : true|false, // optional, false by default
debug : true|false, // optional, false by default
strdates : true|false // optional, false by default
orm.connect(opts, function (err, db) {
// ...

You can also avoid passing a callback and just listen for the connect event:

var orm = require("orm");
var db = orm.connect("mysql://username:password@host/database");

db.on("connect", function (err, db) {
// ...
See information in the [wiki](

## Models

@@ -195,50 +127,11 @@ Models support behaviours for accessing and manipulating table data.

## Defining Models

Call `define` on the database connection to setup a model. The name of the table and model is used as an identifier for the model on the database connection, so you can easily access the model later using the connection.

var Person = db.define('person', { // 'person' will be the table in the database as well as the model id
// properties
name : String, // you can use native objects to define the property type
surname : { type: "text", size: 50 } // or you can be specific and define aditional options
}, {
// options (optional)
See information in the [wiki](

### Properties

#### Types

Native | String | Native | String
String | 'text' | Date | 'date '
Number | 'number' | Object | 'object'
Boolean | 'boolean' | Buffer | 'binary'
| | --- | 'enum'

#### Options

##### [all types]
* `required`: true marks the column as `NOT NULL`, false (default)
* `unique`: true marks the column with a `UNIQUE` index
* `defaultValue`: sets the default value for the field

##### string
* `size`: max length of the string
* `big`: true to make (LONG)TEXT columns instead of VARCHAR(size)

##### number
* `rational`: true (default) creates a FLOAT/REAL, false an INTEGER
* `size`: byte size of number, default is 4. Note that 8 byte numbers [have limitations](
* `unsigned`: true to make INTEGER unsigned, default is false

##### date
* `time`: true (default) creates a DATETIME/TIMESTAMP, false a DATE

Note that these may vary accross drivers.
See information in the [wiki](

### Instance Methods

@@ -384,44 +277,7 @@ Other options:

## Hooks

If you want to listen for a type of event than occurs in instances of a Model, you can attach a function that
will be called when that event happens.

Currently the following events are supported:

- `afterLoad` : (no parameters) Right after loading and preparing an instance to be used;
- `afterAutoFetch` : (no parameters) Right after auto-fetching associations (if any), it will trigger regardless of having associations or not;
- `beforeSave` : (no parameters) Right before trying to save;
- `afterSave` : (bool success) Right after saving;
- `beforeCreate` : (no parameters) Right before trying to save a new instance (prior to `beforeSave`);
- `afterCreate` : (bool success) Right after saving a new instance;
- `beforeRemove` : (no parameters) Right before trying to remove an instance;
- `afterRemove` : (bool success) Right after removing an instance;
- `beforeValidation` : (no parameters) Before all validations and prior to `beforeCreate` and `beforeSave`;

All hook function are called with `this` as the instance so you can access anything you want related to it.

For all `before*` hooks, you can add an additional parameter to the hook function. This parameter will be a function that
must be called to tell if the hook allows the execution to continue or to break. You might be familiar with this workflow
already from Express. Here's an example:

var Person = db.define("person", {
name : String,
surname : String
}, {
hooks: {
beforeCreate: function (next) {
if (this.surname == "Doe") {
return next(new Error("No Does allowed"));
return next();

This workflow allows you to make asynchronous work before calling `next`.
See information in the [wiki](

## Finding Items

@@ -709,74 +565,7 @@ Person.get(1, function (err, John) {

## Validations

The module [Enforce]( is used for validations. For people using previous validators,
they're still present, some as links to enforce, others not. We advise you to start using `orm.enforce` instead of `orm.validators`.
For a list of possible validations, consult the [module](

There's also a `unique` validator built into ORM accessible via:
name: orm.enforce.unique("name already taken!")
name: orm.enforce.unique({ scope: ['age'] }, "Sorry, name already taken for this age group")
name: orm.enforce.unique({ ignoreCase: true }) // 'John' is same as 'john' (mysql is case insensitive by default)

You can define validations for every property of a Model. You can have one or more validations for each property.
You can also use the predefined validations or create your own.

var Person = db.define("person", {
name : String,
age : Number
}, {
validations : {
name : orm.enforce.ranges.length(1, undefined, "missing"), // "missing" is a name given to this validation, instead of default
age : [ orm.enforce.ranges.number(0, 10), orm.enforce.lists.inside([ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 ]) ]

The code above defines that the `name` length must be between 1 and undefined (undefined means any) and `age`
must be a number between 0 and 10 (inclusive) but also one of the listed values. The example might not make sense
but you get the point.

When saving an item, if it fails to validate any of the defined validations you'll get an `error` object with the property
name and validation error description. This description should help you identify what happened.

var John = new Person({
name : "",
age : 20
}); (err) {
// err.field = "name" , err.value = "" , err.msg = "missing"

The validation stops after the first validation error. If you want it to validate every property and return all validation
errors, you can change this behavior on global or local settings:

var orm = require("orm");

orm.settings.set("instance.returnAllErrors", true); // global or..

orm.connect("....", function (err, db) {
db.settings.set("instance.returnAllErrors", true); // .. local

// ...

var John = new Person({
name : "",
age : 15
}); (err) {
// err[0].property = "name" , err[0].value = "" , err[0].msg = "missing"
// err[1].property = "age" , err[1].value = 15 , err[1].msg = "out-of-range-number"
// err[2].property = "age" , err[2].value = 15 , err[2].msg = "outside-list"
See information in the [wiki](

## Associations

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