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WAVEWATCH III User manual and system documentation

A makefile is provided to compile the manual.  The default make
target will compile a PDF version of the manual (manual.pdf).
Other make targets available are: "inp" (create LaTeX versions in
current directory of the ww3_*.inp and gx_*.inp input files),
"clean" (remove all files created during compile of manual).

The following external programs are required and must be found
in the user PATH: latex, bibtex and dvipdf.

The compile requires that the make variable INPDIR be specified
to point to the location of the ww3_*.inp and gx_*.inp input files
that are used for documentation.  The default value of INPDIR,
"../inp", can be overridden by specifying INPDIR on the make
command-line or in the user environment.