A program that combines your project source code into a single text used for LLM analysis.
Specify directory, file extension to exclude it using Regex, then output comprehensive codebase to feed your codebase to ChatGPT(LLM).
You can copy the output to the clipboard with the cli argument -c
and paste it directly to any LLM.
>>> codepaste {Path to the project}/dragonfly/src/core -c | more ─╯
├── testdata
│ └── ids.txt
├── search
│ ├── ast_expr.h
│ ├── ast_expr.cc
│ ├── query_driver.h
│ ├── CMakeLists.txt
│ ├── compressed_sorted_set.h
│ ├── compressed_sorted_set.cc
│ ├── base.cc
│ ├── indices.cc
│ ├── search_test.cc
│ ├── search.cc
│ ├── block_list.h
│ ├── vector_utils.cc
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import random
from array import array
# We print in 64 bit words.
ALIGN = 1 << 10 # 1KB alignment
def print_small_bins():
prev_val = 0
for i in range(56, 1, -1):
len = (4096 - i*8) # reduce by size of hashes
len = (len // 8)*8 # make it 8 bytes aligned
if len != prev_val:
print(i, len)
prev_val = len
git clone https://github.com/daeisbae/CodePaste.git
cd CodePaste/CodePaste/cli
python3 __main__.py --help
git clone https://github.com/daeisbae/CodePaste.git
cd CodePaste
python3 setup.py sdist
pip3 install dist/CodePaste-0.1-py3-none-any.whl
codepaste --help
git clone https://github.com/daeisbae/CodePaste.git
cd CodePaste
docker build -t codepaste .
docker run --rm -it --name codepaste codepaste --help
codepaste --help
usage: CodePaste [-h] [-c] [-w WHITELIST] [-b BLACKLIST] [-f BLACKLIST_FILENAME] [-e BLACKLIST_EXTENSION] project_path
A program that groups your project into one text, so it can be pasted into LLM for analysis
positional arguments:
project_path The path to the project directory
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c, --clipboard Copy to the clipboard
Comma separated list of whitelisted words (regex)
Comma separated list of blacklisted words (regex)
Comma separated list of blacklisted word (regex) for filename
Comma separated list of blacklisted extension (regex) for file extension