All #awesome-ci Docker images
ansible • ansible-lint • awesome-ci • black • checkmake • eslint • file-lint • gofmt • goimports • golint • jsonlint • phpcbf • phpcs • php-cs-fixer • pycodestyle • pylint • terraform-docs • terragrunt • terragrunt-fmt • yamllint
All #awesome-ci Makefiles
Visit cytopia/makefiles for seamless project integration, minimum required best-practice code linting and CI.
View Dockerfile on GitHub.
Tiny Alpine-based multistage-build dockerized version of Terraform[1] with the ability to do terraform fmt
on Terragrunt files (.hcl
[1] Official project:
The following Docker image tags are rolling releases and built and updated nightly. This means they always contain the latest stable version as shown below.
Docker tag | Terraform version |
latest |
latest stable |
0.12 |
latest stable 0.12.x |
The working directory inside the Docker container is /data/
and should be mounted to your local filesystem where your Terragrant project resides.
(See Examples for mount location usage.)
$ docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data cytopia/terragrunt-fmt --help
Usage: cytopia/terragrunt-fmt [options] [DIR]
cytopia/terragrunt-fmt --help
cytopia/terragrunt-fmt --version
Rewrites all Terragrunt configuration files to a canonical format. All
hcl configuration files (.hcl) are updated.
If DIR is not specified then the current working directory will be used.
-list=true List files whose formatting differs
-write=false Don't write to source files
(always disabled if using -check)
-diff Display diffs of formatting changes
-check Check if the input is formatted. Exit status will be 0 if all
input is properly formatted and non-zero otherwise.
-recursive Also process files in subdirectories. By default, only the
given directory (or current directory) is processed.
-ignore=a,b Comma separated list of paths to ignore.
The wildcard character '*' is supported.
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data cytopia/terragrunt-fmt -list
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data cytopia/terragrunt-fmt -diff
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data cytopia/terragrunt-fmt -write
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data cytopia/terragrunt-fmt -write -diff
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data cytopia/terragrunt-fmt -list -recursive
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data cytopia/terragrunt-fmt -diff -recursive
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data cytopia/terragrunt-fmt -write -recursive
Ignore all files named terragrunt.hcl
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data cytopia/terragrunt-fmt -recursive -ignore=*terragrunt.hcl
Ignore all directories named dev/
and everything inside.
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data cytopia/terragrunt-fmt -recursive -ignore=*/dev/
Ignore all directories named dev/
and testing/
and everything inside.
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data cytopia/terragrunt-fmt -recursive -ignore=*/dev/,*/testing/
You can add the following Makefile to your project for easy linting anf fixing of Terragrunt .hcl
ifneq (,)
.error This Makefile requires GNU Make.
.PHONY: help lint fix _pull
CURRENT_DIR = $(dir $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
# Adjust according to your needs
IGNORE = */.terragrunt-cache/,*/.terraform/
FMT_VERSION = latest
@echo "help Show this help"
@echo "lint Exit > 0 if any files have wrong formatting"
@echo "fix Fix all .hcl files"
lint: _pull
docker run --rm -v $(CURRENT_DIR):/data cytopia/terragrunt-fmt:$(FMT_VERSION) \
-check -diff -recursive -ignore='$(IGNORE)'
fix: _pull
docker run --rm -v $(CURRENT_DIR):/data cytopia/terragrunt-fmt:$(FMT_VERSION) \
-write -diff -recursive -ignore='$(IGNORE)'
docker pull cytopia/terragrunt-fmt:$(FMT_VERSION)
With the above Makefile in place, you can easily add a Travis CI rule to ensure the Terragrunt code uses correct coding style.
sudo: required
language: minimal
- docker
install: true
- make lint
Related #awesome-ci projects
Save yourself from installing lot's of dependencies and pick a dockerized version of your favourite linter below for reproducible local or remote CI tests:
Docker image | Type | Description |
awesome-ci | Basic | Tools for git, file and static source code analysis |
file-lint | Basic | Baisc source code analysis |
jsonlint | Basic | Lint JSON files [1] |
yamllint | Basic | Lint Yaml files |
ansible | Ansible | Multiple versoins of Ansible |
ansible-lint | Ansible | Lint Ansible |
gofmt | Go | Format Go source code [1] |
goimports | Go | Format Go source code [1] |
golint | Go | Lint Go code |
eslint | Javascript | Lint Javascript code |
checkmake | Make | Lint Makefiles |
phpcbf | PHP | PHP Code Beautifier and Fixer |
phpcs | PHP | PHP Code Sniffer |
php-cs-fixer | PHP | PHP Coding Standards Fixer |
black | Python | The uncompromising Python code formatter |
pycodestyle | Python | Python style guide checker |
pylint | Python | Python source code, bug and quality checker |
terraform-docs | Terraform | Terraform doc generator (TF 0.12 ready) [1] |
terragrunt | Terraform | Terragrunt and Terraform |
terragrunt-fmt | Terraform | terraform fmt for Terragrunt files [1] |
[1] Uses a shell wrapper to add enhanced functionality not available by original project.
Visit cytopia/makefiles for dependency-less, seamless project integration and minimum required best-practice code linting for CI. The provided Makefiles will only require GNU Make and Docker itself removing the need to install anything else.
Copyright (c) 2019 cytopia