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Basic manual for website editing

Edit or add documentation pages

To edit and/or add documentation, you need to have a GitHub account. To change documentation files or add a documentation page, simply click Edit this page on the page you would like to edit. If you need to add a child page, click Create child page.

If you need to edit the text that has the markup markdown, click on the Fork this repository button.

Read how to edit files for github (GitHub docs).

Please note that files have a markup for correct display on the site: the title, the title of the link, the weight (affects the order of files display on the sidebar) and description (optional):

title: "Title"
linkTitle: "Link Title"
weight: 1
description: >

Start site localy

To start the site locally, you need a recent extended version hugo (recommend version 0.75.0 or later). Open the most recent release and scroll down until you find a list of Extended versions. Read more

Add a path to "hugo" in the "Path" environment variable.

Clone a repository branch containing the site. For example, using a git command:

git clone --branch <branchname> <remote-repo-url>

If you want to build and/or serve your site locally, you also need to get local copies of the theme’s own submodules:

git submodule update --init --recursive

To build and preview your site locally, use:

cd <your local directory>/cvat/site/
hugo server

By default, your site will be available at http://localhost:1313/docs/.

Instead of a "hugo server" command, you can use the "hugo" command that generates the site into a "public" folder.

To build or update your site’s CSS resources you will need PostCSS to create final assets. To install it you must have a recent version of NodeJS installed on your machine, so you can use npm, the Node package manager. By default npm installs tools under the directory where you run npm install:

cd <your local directory>/cvat/site/
npm ci

Then you can build a website in the "public" folder:


Read more

Update the submodule of the docsy theme

To update the submodule of the docsy theme you need to have a repository clone. While in the repository folder, use the git command:

git submodule update --remote

Add and then commit the change to project:

git add themes/
git commit -m "Updating theme submodule"

Push the commit to project repo. For example, run:

git push