My actions before raising this issue
- [ x] Read/searched the docs
- [ x] Searched past issues
Trying to upload annotations to a job but failing due to "not finding image". Please see Error Popup below.
For the purposes of this test, I only have annotations on frame 400.
When using the original (untouched) zip file that is provided by the CVAT export, I am able to upload it directly and create annotations from that zip file. No issues.
However, if I unzip the file. then use terminal (macos) to zip, via "zip -r" the opened folder and then attempt to upload this zip file, I am provided with an error.
Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)
- Upload a video to a task and label soemthing on frame 100.
- Export the dataset using YOLO v1.1
- Download the provided zip file -- do not include images.
- Unzip the downloaded zip file.
- Zip the newly unzipped file via zip -r
- Create a new task with the same video
- Attempt to upload annotations for the task. using the newly re-zipped file.
Expected Behaviour
We expect the behavior to be identical to using the original zip file. As the only action that was done was open the folder, and re-zip.
Current Behaviour
Currently we are receiving the pop up error:
Could not upload annotation for the task 5
Error: Request failed with status code 500. "datumaro.components.errors.ItemImportError: Failed to import item ('frame_000400', 'train'): Can't find image info for '/home/django/data/tasks/5/tmp/tmpe1xra07m/test_me/obj_train_data/frame_000400.PNG'\n"..
Possible Solution
Trying to upload annotations
Your Environment
Git hash commit (
git log -1
): commit 3775bc2 (HEAD -> develop, origin/develop, origin/HEAD)
Author: Kirill Lakhov
Date: Mon Jan 30 22:44:51 2023 +0300New models UI (New models UI #5635)
Docker version
docker version
(e.g. Docker 17.0.05): Docker version 20.10.22, build 3a2c30b -
Are you using Docker Swarm or Kubernetes? no
Operating System and version (e.g. Linux, Windows, MacOS): MacOS
Code example or link to GitHub repo or gist to reproduce problem:
Other diagnostic information / logs:
Logs from `cvat` container
whittenator commentedon Feb 28, 2023
Yeah, I had this same exact problem and could not figure it out until I realized what I was doing!
So, where you are probably messing up is that you are rezipping the entire folder again. You need to rezip ONLY the contents INSIDE the folder.
For example if you export annotations you get the following zip output:

If you rezip the entire folder again its messing up the structure and making it look like so:

You should only rezip the contents inside the folder and then upload that!
zhiltsov-max commentedon Mar 22, 2023
Hi, please follow the answer above and check the files inside the archive. The expected file structure is described here. Please note that there is often a problem with an extra leading directory in the archive (so the files are 1 level deeper than expected). I will close the issue, don't hesitate to reopen if the problem is not resolved.