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evalv3: Different result v0.12 vs 0.11 #3672



What version of CUE are you using (cue version)?

cue version v0.12.0-dfe3ae033d26f79649d69c9dee6cc89ff7599c3d

go version go1.22.1
      -buildmode exe
       -compiler gc
        -ldflags -X
          GOARCH arm64
            GOOS darwin
             vcs git
    vcs.revision dfe3ae033d26f79649d69c9dee6cc89ff7599c3d
        vcs.time 2025-01-10T08:17:07Z
    vcs.modified false
cue.lang.version v0.12.0

Does this issue reproduce with the latest stable release?

Yes, evalv3=1 produces a different result than evalv3=0 but evalv3 also produces a different result with the latest stable release than with the current master.

What did you do?

I've used a slightly different and simplified version of my program from issue #3654 to better understand cue semantics and performance. The testscript below passes for the latest build and shows a difference between the current and the new evaluator (the new evaluator giving the wrong result).

Correct result for cue eval out.cue -e value0 from current evaluator (current master and latest stable release):

Only: [{
    UseSectionName: true
orgSyntax: "Only [UseSectionName]"

Wrong result from v0.12.0-dfe3ae033d26f79649d69c9dee6cc89ff7599c3d:

Only: [{
    UseSectionName: true
} | {
    UseSectionName: true
    Append: string | {
        UseSectionName: true
} | {
    UseSectionName: true
    Prepend: string | {
        UseSectionName: true
orgSyntax: "Only [Append Impossible]"

Here it seems I'd have to prevent a unification between {UseSectionName: true} and {Append: #ConfigText} which probably has something do with closedness. It seems the new evaluator handles this differently. I don't even know where this unification happens.

The wrong result from new evaluator with cue version v0.11.1:

    Only: [{
        UseSectionName: true
    AllBut: []
    orgSyntax: "AllBut []"
} | {
    Only: [{
        UseSectionName: true
    orgSyntax: "Only [Append Impossible]"

The result is wrong because #ConfigText only has two alternatives string and { UseSectionName: true } and this the orgSyntax value from #orgForConfigText should never be the string Impossible because either of the two if checks should pass:

#ConfigText: string | {UseSectionName: true}

#orgForConfigText: {
	IN=source: #ConfigText
	orgSyntax: {
		let INS = IN & string
		let INO = IN & {UseSectionName:_}
			if INS != _|_ {
			if INO != _|_ {

Before the latest fix for #3597 this triggered a panic but the root cause seems to be different because one of the ifs should match.


env CUE_EXPERIMENT=evalv3=1
exec cue eval out.cue -e value0.orgSyntax
stdout 'Only \[Append Impossible\]'
env CUE_EXPERIMENT=evalv3=0
exec cue eval out.cue -e value0.orgSyntax
stdout 'Only \[UseSectionName\]'

-- out.cue --
import "strings"

import "encoding/json"

#FinDefSetElemType: {
	#Type!: _
#FinDefSetDefinition: {
	#Elem!: #FinDefSetElemType
	#Alternatives: {
		allBut: {
			AllBut: [...#Elem.#Type]
		only: {
			Only: [...#Elem.#Type]

#mkFinDefSet: {
	#Definition!: #FinDefSetDefinition
	#Type: or([for _, v in #Definition.#Alternatives {v}])

#FinDefSetElemType: {
	#Type: _
	toString!: {
		_input:  #Type
		_output: string

#FinDefSetDefinition: {
	#Elem!: #FinDefSetElemType
	#Alternatives: {
		allBut: {
			AllBut: [...#Elem.#Type]
			let xs = [for x in AllBut {(#Elem.toString & {_input: x})._output}]
			let str = strings.Join(xs, "\",\"")
			orgSyntax: "AllBut [\(str)]"
		only: {
			Only: [...#Elem.#Type]
			let xs = [for x in Only {(#Elem.toString & {_input: x})._output}]
			let str = strings.Join(xs, "\",\"")
			orgSyntax: "Only [\(str)]"

#ConfigText: string | {UseSectionName: true}

#ConfigTextRule: #ConfigText | {Append: #ConfigText} | {Prepend: #ConfigText}

#ConfigTextRules: #ConfigTextRule | [#ConfigTextRule, #ConfigTextRule, ...#ConfigTextRule]

#FinDefSetConfigTextElem: #FinDefSetElemType
#FinDefSetConfigTextElem: {
	#Type: #ConfigTextRules

#FinDefSetOfConfigText: (
	#mkFinDefSet & {
		#Definition: {#Elem: #FinDefSetConfigTextElem}

#FinDefSetConfigTextElem: {
	toString: {
		_input: #ConfigTextRules
		_output: (#orgForConfigTextRules & {source: _input}).orgSyntax

#orgForConfigText: {
	IN=source: #ConfigText
	orgSyntax: {
		let INS = IN & string
		let INO = IN & {UseSectionName:_}
			if INS != _|_ {
			if INO != _|_ {

#orgForConfigTextRule: {
	IN=source: #ConfigTextRule
	orgSyntax: {
		let INA = IN & {Append: _}
		let INP = IN & {Prepend: _}
			if INA != _|_ {
				"Append " + (#orgForConfigText & {source: INA.Append}).orgSyntax
			if INP != _|_ {
				"Prepend " + (#orgForConfigText & {source: INP.Prepend}).orgSyntax
			(#orgForConfigText & {source: IN}).orgSyntax,

#orgForConfigTextRules: {
	IN=source: #ConfigTextRules
	orgSyntax: {
		let INL = IN & [...]
			if INL != _|_ {
				let elems = [for x in IN {(#orgForConfigTextRule & {source: x}).orgSyntax}]
				let result = strings.Join(elems, "\",\"")
			(#orgForConfigTextRule & {source: IN}).orgSyntax,

value0: #FinDefSetOfConfigText
value0: Only: [{ UseSectionName: true }]

What did you expect to see?

Same result with new evaluator and with old evaluator.

What did you see instead?

Different result for old and new evaluator.



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