Contains Hamcrest matchers to compare data tables. These can be used in most common test frameworks and produces pretty error messages.
Add the datatable-matchers
dependency to your pom.
Use the matcher in your step definition.
import static io.cucumber.datatable.matchers.DataTableHasTheSameRowsAs.hasTheSameRowsAs;
private final DataTable expected = DataTable.create(
asList("Annie M. G.", "Schmidt"),
asList("Roald", "Dahl"),
@Then("these authors have registered:")
public void these_authors_have_registered(DataTable registeredAuthors){
assertThat(registeredAuthors, hasTheSameRowsAs(expected).inOrder());
// java.lang.AssertionError:
// Expected: a datable with the same rows
// but: the tables were different
// - | Annie M. G. | Schmidt |
// | Roald | Dahl |
// + | Astrid | Lindgren |