Client library for the SuperCollider language: sclang. This package enables calling SuperCollider code from JavaScript.
- Spawns and manages one or more
processes. - Interpret SuperCollider code and return results as equivalent JavaScript objects.
- Compile SynthDefs written in the SuperCollider language and return byte code.
- Used by atom-supercollider
If you are building something that just needs to communicate with sclang then you can install just this package.
Start the sclang
executable as a subprocess, returning a Promise.
const sc = require("supercolliderjs");
function(lang) {
// Up and ready for action
// quit the process programmatically
// Error handler if it fails to start or fails to compile
error => console.error,
const Lang = require("supercolliderjs").lang.default;
const l = new Lang(options);
will compile it's class library, and this may result in syntax or compile errors.
Resolves with a list of SuperCollider class file directories that were compiled:
{dirs: [/*compiled directories*/]}
or rejects with:
dirs: [],
compileErrors: [],
parseErrors: [],
duplicateClasses: [],
extensionErrors: [],
stdout: 'compiling class library...etc.'
See SclangCompileResult
in packages/lang/src/internals/sclang-io.ts
for full details.
const sc = require("supercolliderjs");
sc.lang.boot().then(async function(lang) {
// This function is declared as `async`
// so for any function calls that return a Promise we can `await` the result.
// This is an `async` function, so we can `await` the results of Promises.
const pyr8 = await lang.interpret("(1..8).pyramid");
const threePromises = [16, 24, 32].map(n => {
return lang.interpret(`(1..${n}).pyramid`);
// `interpret` many at the same time and wait until all are fulfilled.
// Note that `lang` is single threaded,
// so the requests will still be processed by the interpreter one at a time.
const pyrs = await Promise.all(threePromises);
// Get a list of all UGen subclasses
const allUgens = await lang.interpret("UGen.allSubclasses");
// Post each one to STDOUT
allUgens.forEach(ugenClass => console.log(ugenClass));
await lang.quit();
const sc = require("supercolliderjs");
function makePyramid(lang) {
function(result) {
// result is a native javascript array
console.log("= " + result);
function(error) {
// syntax or runtime errors
// are returned as javascript objects
// Verbose example to show Promises and full error handling
// ok booted
lang => {
// failed to boot
error => {
// Either:
// 1. The executable may be missing, incorrect path etc.
// 2. The class library may have failed with compile errors
// or
const Lang = require("supercolliderjs").lang.default;
const l = new Lang(options);
// post verbose messages to console
debug: boolean;
// echo all commands sent TO sclang to console
echo: boolean;
// provide an alternate console like object for logging. eg. winston
log?: Console;
// path to sclang executable
sclang: string;
// To start sclang and immediately execute one file
executeFile?: string;
// path to existing non-default conf file
sclang_conf?: string;
// post sclang stdin to console
stdin: boolean;
// if specifying a non-default conf file then you may wish to fail if you got the path wrong
// rather than fall back to the default one
failIfSclangConfIsMissing: boolean;
// pass in a configuration without having to write it to a file
conf: SCLangConf;
See: packages/lang/src/options.ts
await lang.executeFile("./some-supercollider-piece.scd");
Works on Node 10+
Source code is written in TypeScript and is usable in JavaScript es2018 or TypeScript projects.
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MIT license