This is jenkins plugin to run chef-client on remote host
- Connect to remote host with given ssh login using ssh public-key authentication schema.
- Run chef-client on this host, optionally with chef json file generated from template.
- chef json file generated from custom ERB template
- ssh public-key authentication schema is used
- optionally may be run in chef client in why run mode
If you define one, chef json file will be generated based on this template.
Check out chef wiki to get know about chef json files.
This is ERB template, so you can use ERB syntax here:
<% runlist = %w{foo bar baz} chef_json = { :run_list => { |r| "recipe[#{r}]" } , :name => 'alexey', :language => 'ruby' } %> <%= chef_json.to_json.to_s %>
- ruby-runtime jenkins plugin
- ssh client
You can set environment variables via "Jenkins/Configuration/Global properties/Environment variables" interface to adjust plugin behaviour.
Setup your standard encoding.