diff --git a/docs/getting-started-guides/README.md b/docs/getting-started-guides/README.md
index 9a88b7803e749..4deb014c0accf 100644
--- a/docs/getting-started-guides/README.md
+++ b/docs/getting-started-guides/README.md
@@ -28,38 +28,38 @@ For the easiest "kick the tires" experience, please try the [local docker](docke
If you are considering contributing a new guide, please read the
-IaaS Provider | Config. Mgmt | OS | Networking | Docs | Conforms | Support Level | Notes
--------------------- | ------------ | ------ | ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------- | ---------------------------- | -----
-GKE | | | GCE | [docs](https://cloud.google.com/container-engine) | [✓][1](#references) | Commercial | Uses latest via https://get.k8s.io
-Vagrant | Saltstack | Fedora | OVS | [docs](vagrant.md) | | Project | Uses latest via https://get.k8s.io/
-GCE | Saltstack | Debian | GCE | [docs](gce.md) | | Project | Uses latest via https://get.k8s.io
-Azure | CoreOS | CoreOS | Weave | [docs](coreos/azure/README.md) | | Community ([@errordeveloper](https://github.com/errordeveloper), [@squillace](https://github.com/squillace), [@chanezon](https://github.com/chanezon), [@crossorigin](https://github.com/crossorigin)) | Uses K8s version 0.17.0
-Docker Single Node | custom | N/A | local | [docs](docker.md) | | Project (@brendandburns) | Tested @ 0.14.1 |
-Docker Multi Node | Flannel | N/A | local | [docs](docker-multinode.md) | | Project (@brendandburns) | Tested @ 0.14.1 |
-Bare-metal | Ansible | Fedora | flannel | [docs](fedora/fedora_ansible_config.md) | | Project | Uses K8s v0.13.2
-Bare-metal | custom | Fedora | _none_ | [docs](fedora/fedora_manual_config.md) | | Project | Uses K8s v0.13.2
-Bare-metal | custom | Fedora | flannel | [docs](fedora/flannel_multi_node_cluster.md) | | Community ([@aveshagarwal](https://github.com/aveshagarwal))| Tested with 0.15.0
-libvirt | custom | Fedora | flannel | [docs](fedora/flannel_multi_node_cluster.md) | | Community ([@aveshagarwal](https://github.com/aveshagarwal))| Tested with 0.15.0
-KVM | custom | Fedora | flannel | [docs](fedora/flannel_multi_node_cluster.md) | | Community ([@aveshagarwal](https://github.com/aveshagarwal))| Tested with 0.15.0
-Mesos/GCE | | | | [docs](mesos.md) | | [Community](https://github.com/mesosphere/kubernetes-mesos) ([@jdef](https://github.com/jdef)) | Uses K8s v0.11.2
-AWS | CoreOS | CoreOS | flannel | [docs](coreos.md) | | Community | Uses K8s version 0.19.3
-GCE | CoreOS | CoreOS | flannel | [docs](coreos.md) | | Community [@pires](https://github.com/pires) | Uses K8s version 0.19.3
-Vagrant | CoreOS | CoreOS | flannel | [docs](coreos.md) | | Community ( [@pires](https://github.com/pires), [@AntonioMeireles](https://github.com/AntonioMeireles) ) | Uses K8s version 0.19.3
-Bare-metal (Offline) | CoreOS | CoreOS | flannel | [docs](coreos/bare_metal_offline.md) | | Community([@jeffbean](https://github.com/jeffbean)) | Uses K8s version 0.15.0
-CloudStack | Ansible | CoreOS | flannel | [docs](cloudstack.md) | | Community (@runseb) | Uses K8s version 0.9.1
-Vmware | | Debian | OVS | [docs](vsphere.md) | | Community (@pietern) | Uses K8s version 0.9.1
-Bare-metal | custom | CentOS | _none_ | [docs](centos/centos_manual_config.md) | | Community(@coolsvap) | Uses K8s v0.9.1
-AWS | Juju | Ubuntu | flannel | [docs](juju.md) | | [Community](https://github.com/whitmo/bundle-kubernetes) ( [@whit](https://github.com/whitmo), [@matt](https://github.com/mbruzek), [@chuck](https://github.com/chuckbutler) ) | [Tested](http://reports.vapour.ws/charm-tests-by-charm/kubernetes) K8s v0.8.1
-OpenStack/HPCloud | Juju | Ubuntu | flannel | [docs](juju.md) | | [Community](https://github.com/whitmo/bundle-kubernetes) ( [@whit](https://github.com/whitmo), [@matt](https://github.com/mbruzek), [@chuck](https://github.com/chuckbutler) ) | [Tested](http://reports.vapour.ws/charm-tests-by-charm/kubernetes) K8s v0.8.1
-Joyent | Juju | Ubuntu | flannel | [docs](juju.md) | | [Community](https://github.com/whitmo/bundle-kubernetes) ( [@whit](https://github.com/whitmo), [@matt](https://github.com/mbruzek), [@chuck](https://github.com/chuckbutler) ) | [Tested](http://reports.vapour.ws/charm-tests-by-charm/kubernetes) K8s v0.8.1
-AWS | Saltstack | Ubuntu | OVS | [docs](aws.md) | | Community (@justinsb) | Uses K8s version 0.5.0
-Vmware | CoreOS | CoreOS | flannel | [docs](coreos.md) | | Community (@kelseyhightower) | Uses K8s version 0.15.0
-Azure | Saltstack | Ubuntu | OpenVPN | [docs](azure.md) | | Community |
-Bare-metal | custom | Ubuntu | flannel | [docs](ubuntu.md) | | Community (@resouer @WIZARD-CXY) | use k8s version 0.19.3
-Local | | | _none_ | [docs](locally.md) | | Community (@preillyme) |
-libvirt/KVM | CoreOS | CoreOS | libvirt/KVM | [docs](libvirt-coreos.md) | | Community (@lhuard1A) |
-oVirt | | | | [docs](ovirt.md) | | Community (@simon3z) |
-Rackspace | CoreOS | CoreOS | flannel | [docs](rackspace.md) | | Community (@doublerr) | use k8s version 0.18.0
+IaaS Provider | Config. Mgmt | OS | Networking | Docs | Conforms | Support Level | Notes
+-------------------- | ------------ | ------ | ---------- | --------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------ | ---------------------------- | -----
+GKE | | | GCE | [docs](https://cloud.google.com/container-engine) | [✓][1](#references) | Commercial | Uses latest via https://get.k8s.io
+Vagrant | Saltstack | Fedora | OVS | [docs](vagrant.md) | | Project | Uses latest via https://get.k8s.io/
+GCE | Saltstack | Debian | GCE | [docs](gce.md) | | Project | Uses latest via https://get.k8s.io
+Azure | CoreOS | CoreOS | Weave | [docs](coreos/azure/README.md) | | Community ([@errordeveloper](https://github.com/errordeveloper), [@squillace](https://github.com/squillace), [@chanezon](https://github.com/chanezon), [@crossorigin](https://github.com/crossorigin)) | Uses K8s version 0.17.0
+Docker Single Node | custom | N/A | local | [docs](docker.md) | | Project (@brendandburns) | Tested @ 0.14.1 |
+Docker Multi Node | Flannel | N/A | local | [docs](docker-multinode.md) | | Project (@brendandburns) | Tested @ 0.14.1 |
+Bare-metal | Ansible | Fedora | flannel | [docs](fedora/fedora_ansible_config.md) | | Project | Uses K8s v0.13.2
+Bare-metal | custom | Fedora | _none_ | [docs](fedora/fedora_manual_config.md) | | Project | Uses K8s v0.13.2
+Bare-metal | custom | Fedora | flannel | [docs](fedora/flannel_multi_node_cluster.md) | | Community ([@aveshagarwal](https://github.com/aveshagarwal))| Tested with 0.15.0
+libvirt | custom | Fedora | flannel | [docs](fedora/flannel_multi_node_cluster.md) | | Community ([@aveshagarwal](https://github.com/aveshagarwal))| Tested with 0.15.0
+KVM | custom | Fedora | flannel | [docs](fedora/flannel_multi_node_cluster.md) | | Community ([@aveshagarwal](https://github.com/aveshagarwal))| Tested with 0.15.0
+Mesos/GCE | | | | [docs](mesos.md) | | [Community](https://github.com/mesosphere/kubernetes-mesos) ([@jdef](https://github.com/jdef)) | Uses K8s v0.11.2
+AWS | CoreOS | CoreOS | flannel | [docs](coreos.md) | | Community | Uses K8s version 0.19.3
+GCE | CoreOS | CoreOS | flannel | [docs](coreos.md) | | Community [@pires](https://github.com/pires) | Uses K8s version 0.19.3
+Vagrant | CoreOS | CoreOS | flannel | [docs](coreos.md) | | Community ( [@pires](https://github.com/pires), [@AntonioMeireles](https://github.com/AntonioMeireles) ) | Uses K8s version 0.19.3
+Bare-metal (Offline) | CoreOS | CoreOS | flannel | [docs](coreos/bare_metal_offline.md) | | Community([@jeffbean](https://github.com/jeffbean)) | Uses K8s version 0.15.0
+CloudStack | Ansible | CoreOS | flannel | [docs](cloudstack.md) | | Community (@runseb) | Uses K8s version 0.9.1
+Vmware | | Debian | OVS | [docs](vsphere.md) | | Community (@pietern) | Uses K8s version 0.9.1
+Bare-metal | custom | CentOS | _none_ | [docs](centos/centos_manual_config.md) | | Community(@coolsvap) | Uses K8s v0.9.1
+AWS | Juju | Ubuntu | flannel | [docs](juju.md) | | [Community](https://github.com/whitmo/bundle-kubernetes) ( [@whit](https://github.com/whitmo), [@matt](https://github.com/mbruzek), [@chuck](https://github.com/chuckbutler) ) | [Tested](http://reports.vapour.ws/charm-tests-by-charm/kubernetes) K8s v0.8.1
+OpenStack/HPCloud | Juju | Ubuntu | flannel | [docs](juju.md) | | [Community](https://github.com/whitmo/bundle-kubernetes) ( [@whit](https://github.com/whitmo), [@matt](https://github.com/mbruzek), [@chuck](https://github.com/chuckbutler) ) | [Tested](http://reports.vapour.ws/charm-tests-by-charm/kubernetes) K8s v0.8.1
+Joyent | Juju | Ubuntu | flannel | [docs](juju.md) | | [Community](https://github.com/whitmo/bundle-kubernetes) ( [@whit](https://github.com/whitmo), [@matt](https://github.com/mbruzek), [@chuck](https://github.com/chuckbutler) ) | [Tested](http://reports.vapour.ws/charm-tests-by-charm/kubernetes) K8s v0.8.1
+AWS | Saltstack | Ubuntu | OVS | [docs](aws.md) | | Community (@justinsb) | Uses K8s version 0.5.0
+Vmware | CoreOS | CoreOS | flannel | [docs](coreos.md) | | Community (@kelseyhightower) | Uses K8s version 0.15.0
+Azure | Saltstack | Ubuntu | OpenVPN | [docs](azure.md) | | Community |
+Bare-metal | custom | Ubuntu | flannel | [docs](ubuntu.md) | | Community (@resouer @WIZARD-CXY) | use k8s version 0.19.3
+Local | | | _none_ | [docs](locally.md) | | Community (@preillyme) |
+libvirt/KVM | CoreOS | CoreOS | libvirt/KVM | [docs](libvirt-coreos.md) | | Community (@lhuard1A) |
+oVirt | | | | [docs](ovirt.md) | | Community (@simon3z) |
+Rackspace | CoreOS | CoreOS | flannel | [docs](rackspace.md) | | Community (@doublerr) | use k8s version 0.18.0
Don't see anything above that meets your needs? See our [Getting Started from Scratch](scratch.md) guide.