SimpleAmqpClient is an easy-to-use C++ wrapper around the rabbitmq-c C library. It derives inspiration from the puka AMQP library in that it abstracts away the underlying AMQP wire concept of channels and uses them as an error/consumer scope. This should make writing simple single-threaded AMQP-enabled apps easy.
Known to work in the following environments:
- Windows 7 (MSVC 10, Win64, Win32). Likely to work in others, but has not been tested
- Linux (RHEL 6.0, GCC-4.4.5, 32 and 64 bit). Likely to work on other configurations, but has not been tested
- Mac OS X (10.7, 10.6, gcc-4.2, 32 and 64-bit). Likely to work on older version, but has not been tested
- boost-1.47.0 or newer (uses chrono, system internally in addition to other header based libraries such as sharedptr and noncopyable)
- rabbitmq-c you'll need version 0.4.0 or better.
- cmake 2.8+ what is needed for the build system
- Doxygen OPTIONAL only necessary to generate API documentation
This is a typical cmake project, it should work like most typical cmake projects:
In a sibiling directory to where you extracted the source code: mkdir simpleamqpclient-build cd simpleamqpclient-build cmake ../SimpleAmqpClient
Then use your the appropriate build utility to build the library (make, msbuild)
Interesting targets
- test - will build and run the tests
- install - will install the library and headers to whatever CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is defined to
- doc - will generate API documentation if you have doxygen setup
- The test google-test based test suite can be enabled by passing
to cmake
#include <SimpleAmqpClient/SimpleAmqpClient.h>
Will include all the headers necessary to use the library. The corresponding library is SimpleAmqpClient
The main interface to the library is the AmqpClient::Channel class. It represents a connection to an AMQP broker, the connection is established on contruction of an instance of this class.
AmqpClient::Channel::ptr_t connection = AmqpClient::Channel::Create("localhost");
All classes have a typedef ptr_t which is equivalent to boost::shared_ptr<> of the containing class. All classes also have a Create() method does the job creating a new ptr_t using boost::make_shared<>(). It is recommended that you use these methods to construct objects in the library.
Commands dealing with declaring/binding/unbinding/deleting exchanges and queues are all done with the above AmqpClient::Channel object. If one of these commands fails to complete a AmqpClient::ChannelException will be thrown, which can be caught and the AmqpClient::Channel object is still useable. If a more severe error occurs a AmqpClient::ConnectionException or AmqpClient::AmqpResponseLibraryException maybe thrown, in which case the Channel object is no longer in a usable state and further use will only generate more exceptions.
Consuming messages is done by setting up a consumer using the BasicConsume method. This method returns a consumer tag that should be used with the BasicConsumeMessage BasicQos, BasicRecover, and BasicCancel.
std::string consumer_tag = channel->BasicConsume("my_queue", "");
Envelope::ptr_t envelope = channel->BasicConsumeMessage(consumer_tag);
envelope = channel->BasicConsumeMessage(consumer_tag);