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A modern, simple and zero-dependency photo picker with an elegant and customizable image editor


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MIT licensed Carthage compatible

FMPhotoPicker is a modern, simple and zero-dependency photo picker with an image editor written in Swift for iOS


  • Supports both single and multiple selection
  • Supports batch selection/deselection by swipe gesture
  • Supports preview
  • Supports simple image editor with filter and crop functions
  • Supports force crop mode
  • Supports preview in eclipse bound
  • Supports add self-define crop
  • Supports add self-define filter
  • Supports video player
  • Supports customize confirmation view
  • Supports customize language


  • iOS 9.0+


Insert the following line in your Carthfile:

git ""

and run carthage update FMPhotoPicker


Create a configuration object

var config = FMPhotoPickerConfig()

For details, see Configuration


let picker = FMPhotoPickerViewController(config: config)
picker.delegate = self
self.present(picker, animated: true)


let editor = FMImageEditorViewController(config: config, sourceImage: image)
editor.delegate = self
self.present(editor, animated: true)

Delegation methods

  • Implement FMPhotoPickerViewControllerDelegate protocol to handle selected images
func fmPhotoPickerController(_ picker: FMPhotoPickerViewController, didFinishPickingPhotoWith photos: [UIImage])
  • Implement FMImageEditorViewControllerDelegate protocol to handle ouput image
func fmImageEditorViewController(_ editor: FMImageEditorViewController, didFinishEdittingPhotoWith photo: UIImage)


The configuration supports the following parameters:


  • mediaTypes
    An array indicating the media types to be accessed by the picker controller.
    Type: [FMMediaType]
    Default: [.image, .video]

  • selectMode
    Photo selection mode. It can be single or multiple mode.
    Type: : FMSelectMode
    Default is multiple

  • maxImage
    The maximum number of image can be selected. Type: Int
    Default: 10

  • maxVideo
    The maximum number of video can be selected.
    Type: Int Default is 10

  • availableFilters
    Filters that will be used in editor.
    FMPhotoEditor provides some default filters that will be fit to you.
    Type: [FMFilterable]
    Default: all filters provided by FMPhotoPicker.

  • availableCrops
    Crop that will be used in editor.
    FMPhotoEditor provides some default crops that will be fit to you.
    Type: [FMCroppable]
    Default: all crops provided by FMPhotoPicker.

  • alertController
    An alert controller to show confirmation view to user with 2 options: Ok or Cancel.
    Type: FMAlertable Default: FMAlert

  • forceCropEnabled
    A bool value indecating whether force mode is enabled.
    If set to true, only the first crop in the availableCrops will be used in the editor.
    And that crop's ration will become force crop ratio.
    Type: FMAlertable
    Default: false

  • eclipsePreviewEnabled
    A bool value indicating whether an image in preview screen should be displayed in eclipse bound.
    Type: Bool Default: false


Custom filter

You can freely create your own filter by implement the FMFilterable protocol.

public protocol FMFilterable {
    func filter(image: UIImage) -> UIImage
    func filterName() -> String

Becareful that the filterName will be used to determine whether two filters is the same.
Make sure that your filter's names is not duplicate with each other and with the default filters that you want to used.

Custom crop

Like filter fuction, FMPhotoPicker provides capability to use your own crop by implement the FMCroppable protocol.

public protocol FMCroppable {
    func crop(image: UIImage, toRect rect: CGRect) -> UIImage
    func name() -> String
    func icon() -> UIImage
    func ratio() -> FMCropRatio?

the name() method also will be used as indentical for the crop.
So make sure you don't have any duplicate crop's name.

Custom alert view controller

You can use your own view style for the confirmation view by implement the FMAlertable protocol.

public protocol FMAlertable {
    func show(in viewController: UIViewController, ok: @escaping () -> Void, cancel: @escaping () -> Void)

Apps using FMPhotoPicker


Made by Tribal Media House with ❤️


FMPhotoPicker is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.