Aha is a high performance pure asynchronous network framework base on swoole,written in php.
- v1.0.0
- Mvc asynchronous
- Network asynchronous server(http、tcp、udp)
- Network asynchronous client(http、tcp、udp、multi、pool)
- asynchronous storage(mysql、transaction、redis、pool);
- asynchronous logger
- v1.+.+
- more third party clients such as memcache/beanstalkd support;
- php daemon multi concurrent process support;
- coroutine of multi task schedule for deamon support;
- I will rewrite Aha framework in C because of these reasons below:
- Lower CPU occupancy;
- Faster memory recovery cycles;
- Just install a php extension named Aha
HTTP/TCP/UDP server support.Tt's easy to create a server application base on Aha framework;
HTTP/TCP/UDP client pool.In this case,you can make your third part request more efficient because of the reasons below:
- reduced three times handshark when connect;
- reduced four times handshark when close;
- break through the limit of local port( if close immediately,the local port will wait 2MSL for reuse);
multi clients concurrent support;
MVC which contains loader,router,filter,dispatcher,action and config can use not only in http server,but also in tcp,udp server;
- loader:you can use it anywhere for classes autoload;
- router:recurive router depend on your router element and delemiter;
- filter:provided preRouter,postRouter,preDispatch,postDispatch phases for your filer requires,each pahse can register more then one hook;
- dispatcher:it contains all elements which you needed when appication development anywhere;
- action: your application actions must extend from this abstract class;
- config: it will load all config item on worker start;
asynchronous log writter support;
asynchronous redis client:
- redis protocal support ;
- redis connection pool manager.
- It can also help you to put your redis request to queue when concurrent higher then your system processing capability;
asynchronous mysql query:
- asynchronous sql query;
- Asynchronous transaction.More important,the next transaction can build sql depend on the prev transaction result by anonymous function;
- Asynchronous mysql connection manager;
- Asynchronous sql queue manager and trigger when concurrent higher then your databases processing capability;;
namespace Application\Server;
define('AHA_SRC_PATH', dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'src');
require_once AHA_SRC_PATH . '/Aha/Bootstrap.php';
use \Aha\Server\Http;
class HttpServer extends Http {
private $_objAha = null;
public function __construct() {
$server = new \swoole_http_server('', 9601);
$this->setVarDirectory(dirname(__DIR__) .'/Var/');
$arrSetting = array('log_file' => dirname(__DIR__) .'/Logs/Aha.log');
parent::__construct($server, 'HttpServer', $arrSetting);
* @brief 初始化MVC
* @param \swoole_server $server
* @param int $workerId
public function onWorkerStart(\swoole_server $server, $workerId) {
parent::onWorkerStart($server, $workerId);
define('APPLICATION_PATH', dirname(dirname(__DIR__)));
$this->_objAha = \Aha\Bootstrap::getInstance(APP_NAME, 'product');
$this->_objAha->getLoader()->registerNamespace(APP_NAME, APPLICATION_PATH);
$filter = new \Application\Filters\Track();
->registerPreRouter(array($filter, 'preRouterOne'))
->registerPreRouter(array($filter, 'preRouterTwo'))
->registerPostRouter(array($filter, 'postRouterOne'))
->registerPostRouter(array($filter, 'postRouterTwo'))
->registerPreDispatch(array($filter, 'preDispatchOne'))
->registerPreDispatch(array($filter, 'preDispatchTwo'))
->registerPostDispatch(array($filter, 'postDispatchOne'))
->registerPostDispatch(array($filter, 'postDispatchTwo'));
* @brief 请求初始化
* @param \swoole_http_request $request
* @param \swoole_http_response $response
public function onRequest(\swoole_http_request $request, \swoole_http_response $response) {
parent::onRequest($request, $response);
try {
$uri = isset($request->server['request_uri']) ? $request->server['request_uri'] : '';
$router = new \Aha\Mvc\Router($this->_objAha, $uri);
$dispatcher = new \Aha\Mvc\Dispatcher($this->_objAha);
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
$message = '[onRequest_callBack_excaption] [code]' . $ex->getCode() . ' [message]' .
$ex->getMessage() . '[file]' . $ex->getFile() . '[line]' . $ex->getLine() . PHP_EOL;
switch ( $ex->getCode() ) {
default :
echo $message;
$httpServer = new \Application\Server\HttpServer();
- loadhttp.sh {start|stop|restart|reload}
- loadtcp.sh {start|stop|restart|reload}
- loadudp.sh {start|stop|restart|reload}
when use mysql client in your aplication,you can written your query in models.
namespace Application\Actions\Demo\Storage;
use \Aha\Mvc\Action;
class Db extends Action {
public function excute() {
$config = $this->_objDispatcher->getBootstrap()->getConfig();
$dbName = 'test';
$dbConf = $config->get('database', $dbName);
$conn = \Aha\Storage\Db\Pool::getConnection($dbName, $dbConf);
$conn->query("select * from friends limit 10", array($this, 'QueryDbCallback'));
public function QueryDbCallback($result, $dbObj, $dbSock) {
$request = $this->_objDispatcher->getRequest();
$response = $this->_objDispatcher->getResponse();
$arrData = array();
if ( false === $result ) {
$arrData = array('query_error');
} else {
$arrData = $result->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
when use mysql client in your aplication,you need written your query in db layer.
namespace Application\Actions\Demo\Storage;
use \Aha\Mvc\Action;
class Trans extends Action {
public function excute() {
$config = $this->_objDispatcher->getBootstrap()->getConfig();
$dbName = 'test';
$dbConf = $config->get('database', $dbName);
$conn = \Aha\Storage\Db\Pool::getConnection($dbName, $dbConf);
->queue('user','insert into user set name="Aha",phone="15801228065"')
$friendId = intval($result['user']['last_insert_id']);
$sql = 'insert into friends set user_id=6,friend_id='.$friendId;
return $sql;
//->queue('friendsPlus','insert into friends set user_id=100000,friend_id=1000000')
->setCallback(array($this, 'queryDbCallback'))
public function queryDbCallback($result, $dbObj, $dbSock) {
$request = $this->_objDispatcher->getRequest();
$response = $this->_objDispatcher->getResponse();
$arrData = $result;
if ( false === $result ) {
$arrData = array('query_error');
when use redis client in your aplication,you can written your cmd in models.
namespace Application\Actions\Demo\Storage;
use \Aha\Mvc\Action;
class Rdb extends Action {
public function excute() {
$config = $this->_objDispatcher->getBootstrap()->getConfig();
$instanceName = 'test';
$conf = $config->get('redis', $instanceName);
$conn = \Aha\Storage\Memory\Pool::getConnection($instanceName, $conf);
//$conn->zadd('sortedSet', 10, 'aaaa', 20, 'bbbbb', array($this, 'QueryCallback'));
//$conn->zrange('sortedSet',0, -1, 'WITHSCORES',array($this, 'QueryCallback'));
//$conn->sadd('settest', 10, 'aaaa', 20, 'bbbbb', array($this, 'QueryCallback'));
//$conn->smembers('settest', array($this, 'QueryCallback'));
//$conn->rpush('listtest', 12, 'aaaa', 27, 'bbbbb', array($this, 'QueryCallback'));
//$conn->lrange('listtest', 0, -1, array($this, 'QueryCallback'));
//$conn->hmset('ms', array('a'=>'12345','b'=>'wqerty'), array($this, 'QueryCallback'));
//$conn->hmget('ms', array('a','b'), array($this, 'QueryCallback'));
//$conn->hgetall('ms', array($this, 'QueryCallback'));
//$conn->set('setA', str_repeat('A', 20), array($this, 'QueryCallback'));
//$conn->mset('setB', str_repeat('B', 20), 'setC', str_repeat('C', 20), array($this, 'QueryCallback'));
//$conn->mget('setB', 'setC', array($this, 'QueryCallback'));
$conn->get('setA', array($this, 'QueryCallback'));
public function QueryCallback($result, $error) {
$request = $this->_objDispatcher->getRequest();
$response = $this->_objDispatcher->getResponse();
$arrData = compact('result','error');
namespace Application\Actions\Demo\Client;
use \Aha\Mvc\Action;
use \Aha\Client\Multi;
class Http extends Action {
public function excute() {
// $http1 = \Aha\Client\Pool::getHttpClient('GET', 'http://www.qq.com/');
// $http1->setRequestId('trunked');
// $http2 = \Aha\Client\Pool::getHttpClient('GET', 'http://www.jd.com/');
// $http2->setRequestId('length');
// $mutli = new Multi();
// $mutli->register($http1);
// $mutli->register($http2);
// $mutli->loop(array($this,'output'));
$http = \Aha\Client\Pool::getHttpClient('GET', 'http://www.jd.com/');
$http->setCallback( array($this, 'output') );
public function output($data) {
$request = $this->_objDispatcher->getRequest();
$response = $this->_objDispatcher->getResponse();
if ( isset($data['data']['body']) ) {
} else {
// if ( isset($data['data']['length']['data']['body']) ) {
// $response->end($data['data']['length']['data']['body']);
// } else {
// $response->end(json_encode($data['data']['length']));
// }
// if ( isset($data['data']['trunked']['data']['body']) ) {
// $response->end($data['data']['trunked']['data']['body']);
// } else {
// $response->end(json_encode($data['data']['trunked']));
// }
public function __destruct() {
namespace Application\Actions\Demo\Client;
use \Aha\Mvc\Action;
class Tcp extends Action {
public function excute() {
$tcpCli = \Aha\Client\Pool::getTcpClient('','9602');
$tcpCli->setCallback( array($this, 'output') );
$arrDara = array(
'cmd' => 'demo-server-tcp',
'body'=> 'from http request'
public function output($data) {
$request = $this->_objDispatcher->getRequest();
$response = $this->_objDispatcher->getResponse();
namespace Application\Actions\Demo\Client;
use \Aha\Mvc\Action;
class Udp extends Action {
public function excute() {
$tcpCli = \Aha\Client\Pool::getUdpClient('','9603');
$tcpCli->setCallback( array($this, 'output') );
$arrDara = array(
'cmd' => 'demo-server-udp',
'body'=> 'from http request'
public function output($data) {
$request = $this->_objDispatcher->getRequest();
$response = $this->_objDispatcher->getResponse();