fix ws example to choose TLS protocol based on http protocol
fix ws example to choose TLS protocol based on http protocol
add rabbitmq example with object to json conversion
add rabbitmq example with object to json conversion
websocket ejem2: HTTPS, Spring 3 and refactor
websocket ejem2: HTTPS, Spring 3 and refactor
Complete K3S install instructions for PowerShell
Complete K3S install instructions for PowerShell
Add SSH instructions for PowerShell
Add SSH instructions for PowerShell
add rest_ejem10 example using HTTPS
add rest_ejem10 example using HTTPS
Remove LoadBalancer service type
Remove LoadBalancer service type
Add k3s installation instructions
Add k3s installation instructions
Add websocket example that shows how to notify entity creation progress
Add websocket example that shows how to notify entity creation progress
Add pom.xml config to generate api-docs.html in rest_ejem10
Add pom.xml config to generate api-docs.html in rest_ejem10
add and update examples for part 4
add and update examples for part 4
remove old examples and old part 5
remove old examples and old part 5
rename and reorganize old examples to new names
rename and reorganize old examples to new names
Update haproxy to use StickySessions + fix error on launch multiple i…
Update haproxy to use StickySessions + fix error on launch multiple i…
Add comments to haproxy ssl passthrough config sample
Add comments to haproxy ssl passthrough config sample
Comment haproxy configurations for parte_5 samples
Comment haproxy configurations for parte_5 samples
Added haproxy ssl passthrough configuration
Added haproxy ssl passthrough configuration