This workload is based off of the following work.
To build and run the SYCL version of the workload.
cd sycl
mkdir build
cd build
SYCL for L0 backend - CC=icpx CXX=icpx cmake -DGPU_AOT={L0 Device flag} ../
SYCL for Nvidia backend - CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake -DUSE_NVIDIA_BACKEND=TRUE -DUSE_SM={architecture SM to use for nvidia hardware.. i.e 80 for a100} ../
SYCL for AMD backend - CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake -DUSE_AMD_BACKEND=TRUE -DUSE_AMD_ARCH={flag for hip i.e 90a for MI250} ../ \
make \
./svm_sycl a9a a.m
To build and run the CUDA version of the workload.
cd cuda
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DUSE_SM={architecture SM to use for nvidia hardware.. i.e. 80} ../
make \
./svm_cuda a9a a.m
To build and run the HIP version of the workload.
cd hip
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
make \
./svm_hip a9a a.m