Micro-Continuum is an initiative to create a pre-assembled, configurable, set of reusable components for Microservices that will enable companies to setup their Microservices with minimum effort by mostly concentrating on their business functionalities.
- Getting Started
- User Guide
- Features
- API Definition
- Sponsor
- Contributing
- Development
- License
- Sponsor
- Special Thanks
Install Docker:
Install Docker Compose:
$ git https://github.com/codefinity/micro-continuum.git
$ cd micro-continuum
$ mvn clean package
$ docker-compose up
These URLs should return messages
- Config Server and Clients
- Eureka Service Registry
- Zuul Gateway
- Zuul Filter
- Feign Clients
- Communication between Microservices using Spring Cloud Streams (RabbitMQ)
- Hystrix Circuit Breaker integration with Zuul
- Hystrix Dashboard Integration
- Turbine Integration
- Profiles - Development, Testing and Production
- Ribbon load balancing
- Integrating Zipkin Server
- Logging Management using ELK Stack
- Spring Cloud Sleuth integration - Feign and RabbitMQ
- Zipkin Integration (Facing issue after dockeriation)
- Integrated with Docker
- Deployed using Docker Compose
- Microservice Events
- MongoDb Docker Integration
- Integration With Spring Security
- Authentication using Nimbus JWT
- Authorization Using JWT Scopes
- Inter Microservices Security
- Social Logins - Google, Facebook, Twitter
- Kubernetes Integration
- Storing logs using Lambda Architecture
- Real time log analysis using Apache Storm
- Real time notification in case of failures
- Integrating Swagger
- Building Jenkins CI Pipeline
- Caching using etags
- Caching using Redis
- Hystrix Caching Fallback
- Spring protocol conversion using Spring Integration
- Self Healing Capabilities
- Multi-Tenant capabilities - Can be used to serve multiple clients and their uses.
- Basic User operations - Get, Add, Update, Delete, Change Password, Forgot Password
- Log User Statistics.
- Manage roles and permissions.
- Serverless Capabilities
- Basic User Management Console in React
- Serverless Capabilities
- Events Subscription
- Custom User Rules
- Create plugins for customizations
- Autoscalable
- Single Sign On
- Integration with messaging systems
- Setting Templates
- Used for live conninication between users
- Quickly setting up chat rooms
- Uses Elastisearch for searching
- Geoserver Integration
- Reactive services to store user location
- Generates push notifications for mobile and web
- Microservices Control Dashboard
- Sheduling test routines
- Setting Infracture Paramaters
- Setting Alarms for Failure - SMS, Push Notifications and EMail
API Documentation can be found here
You may contribute in several ways like creating new features, testing, fixing bugs, improving documentation, and examples. Find out more.
Anybody is welcome to contribute to this project as long as they make themselves conversant with these guidelines.
- DDD (Domain Driven Design)
- BDD (Behaviour Driven Design)
- CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation)
- TDD (Test-driven Development)
- Reactive
- 12 Factor Apps
- GOF Design Patterns
You can find the design document here.
The code is licenced under MIT