When we started CodeCracker we were using the templates from Microsoft. At the time, they did not include a way to localize the library. It does now. Here are the localizable parts of an analyzer on the template now:
In diagnostics.cs:
// You can change these strings in the Resources.resx file. If you do not want your analyzer to be localize-able, you can use regular strings for Title and MessageFormat.
internal static readonly LocalizableString Title = new LocalizableResourceString(nameof(Resources.AnalyzerTitle), Resources.ResourceManager, typeof(Resources));
internal static readonly LocalizableString MessageFormat = new LocalizableResourceString(nameof(Resources.AnalyzerMessageFormat), Resources.ResourceManager, typeof(Resources));
internal static readonly LocalizableString Description = new LocalizableResourceString(nameof(Resources.AnalyzerDescription), Resources.ResourceManager, typeof(Resources));
In resources.resx:
<data name="AnalyzerDescription" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Type names should be all uppercase.</value>
<comment>An optional longer localizable description of the diagnostic.</comment>
<data name="AnalyzerMessageFormat" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Type name '{0}' contains lowercase letters</value>
<comment>The format-able message the diagnostic displays.</comment>
<data name="AnalyzerTitle" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Type name contains lowercase letters</value>
<comment>The title of the diagnostic.</comment>
We need to update all analyzers so strings are localizable, and then start a localization initiative.
Note: Code fix providers don't have localization on the template, but I believe we can use the same strategy.