Setup EKS Anywhere cluster according to the EKS Anywhere documentation.
Create an EKS Anywhere production cluster to reproduce the EKS Anywhere Conformance e2e results.
Create a Kubernetes cluster on a target workload environment with EKS Anywhere run on an administrative machine.
The target workload environment will need:
- A vSphere 7+ environment running vCenter
- Capacity to deploy 6-10VMs
- DHCP service running in vSphere environment in the primary VM network for your workload cluster
- One network in vSphere to use for the cluster. This network must have inbound access into vCenter
- A OVA imported into vSphere and converted into template for the workload VMs
- User credentials to create vms and attach networks, etc
Each VM will require:
- 2 vCPU
- 25GB Disk
The administrative machine will need:
- Docker 20.x.x
- Mac OS (10.15) / Ubuntu (20.04.2 LTS)
- 4 CPU cores
- 16GB memory
- 30GB free disk space
On the administrative machine, install and configure the Kubernetes command-line tool kubectl
The method to install Docker depends on your operating system and architecture. If you are using Ubuntu use the Docker CE installation instructions to install Docker and not the Snap installation.
Install EKS Anywhere on your administrative machine.
Download a binary release of sonobuoy.
If you are on a Mac, you many need to open the Security & Privacy and approve sonobuoy for execution.
if [[ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]]
wget -qO- ${SONOBUOY} |tar -xz sonobuoy
chmod 755 sonobuoy
Generate a cluster configuration:
CLUSTER_NAME=prod eksctl anywhere generate clusterconfig $CLUSTER_NAME --provider vsphere >cluster.yaml
Populate cluster configuration. For example:
apiVersion: kind: Cluster metadata: name: prod spec: clusterNetwork: cni: cilium pods: cidrBlocks: - services: cidrBlocks: - controlPlaneConfiguration: count: 2 endpoint: host: "" machineGroupRef: kind: VSphereMachineConfig name: prod-cp datacenterRef: kind: VSphereDatacenterConfig name: prod externalEtcdConfiguration: count: 3 machineGroupRef: kind: VSphereMachineConfig name: prod-etcd kubernetesVersion: "1.24" managementCluster: name: prod workerNodeGroupConfigurations: - count: 2 machineGroupRef: kind: VSphereMachineConfig name: prod --- apiVersion: kind: VSphereDatacenterConfig metadata: name: prod spec: datacenter: "SDDC-Datacenter" insecure: false network: "/SDDC-Datacenter/network/sddc-cgw-network-1" server: "" thumbprint: "" --- apiVersion: kind: VSphereMachineConfig metadata: name: prod-cp spec: datastore: "/SDDC-Datacenter/datastore/WorkloadDatastore" diskGiB: 25 folder: "/SDDC-Datacenter/vm/capv/prod" memoryMiB: 8192 numCPUs: 2 osFamily: bottlerocket resourcePool: "*/Resources/Compute-ResourcePool" users: - name: ec2-user sshAuthorizedKeys: - "ssh-rsa AAAA..." --- apiVersion: kind: VSphereMachineConfig metadata: name: prod spec: datastore: "/SDDC-Datacenter/datastore/WorkloadDatastore" diskGiB: 25 folder: "/SDDC-Datacenter/vm/capv/prod" memoryMiB: 8192 numCPUs: 2 osFamily: bottlerocket resourcePool: "*/Resources/Compute-ResourcePool" users: - name: ec2-user sshAuthorizedKeys: - "ssh-rsa AAAA..." --- apiVersion: kind: VSphereMachineConfig metadata: name: prod-etcd spec: datastore: "/SDDC-Datacenter/datastore/WorkloadDatastore" diskGiB: 25 folder: "/SDDC-Datacenter/vm/capv/prod" memoryMiB: 8192 numCPUs: 2 osFamily: bottlerocket resourcePool: "*/Resources/Compute-ResourcePool" users: - name: ec2-user sshAuthorizedKeys: - "ssh-rsa AAAA..."
Set credential environment variables
export EKSA_VSPHERE_USERNAME='billy' export EKSA_VSPHERE_PASSWORD='t0p$ecret'
Create a cluster
eksctl anywhere create cluster -f cluster.yaml -v 4
./sonobuoy run --mode=certified-conformance --wait --kube-conformance-image
results=$(./sonobuoy retrieve)
mkdir ./results
tar xzf $results -C ./results
./sonobuoy e2e ${results}
mv results/plugins/e2e/results/global/* .
eksctl anywhere delete cluster prod -v 4
rm -rf cluster.yaml prod *tar.gz results