- Clone project to your computer.
- Go to iOS folder
- Run pod install (if you are not familiar with cocoapods visit https://cocoapods.org/)
- Open Spika.xcworkspace with Xcode
- Build and run
- Create new single view application
- Exit xcode
- Run pod init (if you are not familiar with cocoapods visit https://cocoapods.org/)
- Open Podfile in Spika/iOS folder & copy/paste pod dependancies to your Podfile in root of project
- Run pod install
- Open YourProjectName.xcworkspace with Xcode
- Drag and drop Spika/iOS/Spika folder to your project in Xcode & check Copy items if needed option
- Open Info.plist file in your project and add new key NSAppTransportSecurity/NSAllowsArbitraryLoads = YES (temporarily to allow read from non https urls)
##To instantiate and show CSChatViewController use this code:
#import "CSChatViewController.h"
#import "CSConfig.h"
NSDictionary *parameters = @{
paramUserID : @"your_user_id",
paramName : @"your_user_name",
paramAvatarURL : @"http://url_to_your_avatar.jpg",
paramRoomID: @"Your_room_id"
CSChatViewController *viewController = [[CSChatViewController alloc] initWithParameters:parameters];
UINavigationController *navigationController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:viewController];
[self presentViewController:navigationController animated:YES completion:nil];
//or if you have your navigation controller:
//[self.navigationController pushViewController:viewController animated:YES];
spika ios demo from Clover Studio on Vimeo.