Open a jar in an editor easily.
Add [lein-open "0.1.0"]
to your ~/.lein/profiles.clj:
{:user {:plugins [[lein-open "0.1.0"]]}}
Within a lein project, view a jar dependency in an editor:
# View the table jar
$ lein open table
You can also view any jar in your maven repo by specifying it's full name and version:
$ lein open ring/ring-core 1.1.0
It's helpful to read dependency code and not have to depend on editor configuration.
This is quite similar to bundler open
in bundler.
This plugin can only open code in a non-console editor e.g. gvim or X-emacs. Attempting
to open a console editor will result in the error "emacs: standard input is not a tty\n".
To resolve this in mac osx, reinstall emacs with X support: brew install emacs --with-x
Please report them on github.
- sunblaze for a bug fix
- dcuddeback for editor tweak
- Download and open from clojars
- Download and first clojure project on github