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Localize the editor dynamically based on the localeΒ #9498



It would be an interesting feature, though I'm not sure if doable with our architecture.

For large applications supporting many languages, an editor could load translations dynamically based on the current localization. However, currently, it's not possible as we don't know the base URL for the i18n resources. Also, we would need to think about how the translations should be loaded before the editor starts. There's also a question if the editor should be able to change the localization at runtime (though it's a much larger topic).

I'm most afraid of the delay that would start occurring - loading the translation file before the editor starts. For sure, running a script with translations before the editor script is much faster than loading the editor, running it, and waiting for the translation script to be downloaded and run.

We would need to think about all cases - like integrations with Angular, Vue, Reacts apps, multiple editors localized differently on the same page, etc.

If you'd like to see this feature implemented, add a πŸ‘ reaction to this post.



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    domain:dxThis issue reports a developer experience problem or possible improvement.domain:i18nThe issue reports a problem with internalization / translation mechanismsdomain:ui/uxThis issue reports a problem related to UI or UX.squad:coreIssue to be handled by the Core issue reported by a commercially licensed client.type:featureThis issue reports a feature request (an idea for a new functionality or a missing option).


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