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Getting started

Web App Api Service (WAAS) - lightweight JS/Angular 6+ library that organizes your APIs.


Install WAAS library by running

npm i -S @ciklum-digital/waas

Then add WaasModule to imports of your module and register services

For the main application:

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpTransportAdapterService, IWaasConfiguration, WaasModule } from '@ciklum/ng-waas';

const waasConfig: IWaasConfiguration = {
  basePath: ''

  imports: [
     WaasModule.forRoot( waasConfig, [HttpClient], HttpTransportAdapterService]),
export class MyModule {

For the module of application:

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { IServiceRegistration, WaasModule } from '@ciklum/ng-waas';

export const searchServices: IServiceRegistration[] = [
    path: '/test',
    alias: 'search'

  imports: [WaasModule.forFeature(searchServices)]
export class MyModule { }


Api Service

WaasService class allows you to move the most of your payload outside your main code and care only about business logic.

constructor(private readonly waas: NgWaasService) {
  this.userService = waas.service('users');


@Waas('test') testService: IWaasChildService;

Http Adapter

Adapter tells Api Service how to work with some API. Adapter should implement ITransportAdapter interface. The default adapter provided by class HttpTransportAdapterService, which uses native angular HttpClient under the hood.

Mock Plugin

NgWaasMockService add a possibility to returns a mocked response if it was provided or makes http request if wasn't.

  declarations: [
  imports: [
    WaasModule.forRoot( waasConfig, [HttpClient], HttpTransportAdapterService, [NgWaasMockService]),
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]

const ITEMS_MOCK = [
  {title: 'Item 1', description: 'item 1 description'},
  {title: 'Item 2', description: 'item 2 description'},

export class MockItem {
  @mockApiData({path: '/test', method: 'get'})
  getData(data: IMockRequest): any {
    return ITEMS_MOCK;

  • @mockApiClass - mark current class as mock class
  • @mockApiData({path: ..., method: ...}) - use this method as mock data for defined path and method

Api Service configuration

export interface IWaasConfiguration {
  basePath: string; // Base path
  hooks?: IWaasHooks; //Hooks for service


Hooks types

export interface IWaasHooks {
  before?: ((config: IRequestConfigExecute) => IRequestConfigExecute)[]
    | ((data: IRequestConfigExecute) => IRequestConfigExecute); // Before request send
  after?: ((config: any) => any)[] | ((config: any) => any); //After recieved response


Event types

WAAS provides custom events:

export enum RequestEventEnum {
  request = 'request', // before send request
  success = 'success', // response status is 2xx
  error = 'error', // response status is 4xx
  failure = 'failure', // all other response status
  cancel = 'cancel' // request is canceled