Yet another Windows 10 debloat script
Run the following command in PoweShell as administrator
iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
Removes all apps preinstalled by the windows store and the following app preinstalled my Microsoft:
3DBuilder, AppConnector, BingFinance, BingNews, BingSports, BingTranslator, BingWeather, GetHelp, Getstarted, Messaging, Microsoft3DViewer, MicrosoftOfficeHub, MicrosoftSolitaireCollection, MixedRealityPortal, NetworkSpeedTest, News, OfficeLens, OfficeOneNote, OfficeSway, OneConnect, People, Print3D, ScreenSketch, SkypeApp, StorePurchaseApp, Wallet, Whiteboard, WindowsAlarms, WindowsCommunicationsApps, WindowsFeedbackHub, WindowsMaps, WindowsSoundRecorder, YourPhone, ZuneMusic, ZuneVideo
Removes XboxTCUI, XboxApp XboxGameOverlay, XboxIdentityProvider, XboxSpeechToTextOverlay
Removes WindowsStore
Removes WindowsPhotos and restores the classic photo viewer from Windows 7/8
Disables all telemetry options in the registry, disables unnessassery Windows services and runs the recomended settings for O&0 Shutup10
Disables Cortana Assistant
Delays feature updates by 3 years and disables auto restart to complete updates
Removes Microsoft OneDrive
Enables Dark Mode
Restores the F8 Advanced Boot Options menu found in Windows 7 and below
Disables the image that overlays the login screen
Disables the user account control box when running aplications as administrator
Removes bing search results from start menu
Installs .Net Framework 3.5
Disables Windows Defender