The Finer Things Club is a Sinatra-built web app based on the original _ Finer Things Club _ that debuted in Season 4, Episode 6 of _ The Office _ (US). This app is a tribute of sorts to Pam's, Oscar's, and Toby's interest to celebrate the arts "in a very civilized way" with "no paper, no plastic, and no work talk allowed" (see License for more info).
After signing up, a user can create and manage a collection of fine art, music, and books. Users can also view all such entries to the database supporting the app; future versions will include the ability to identify users with similar interests.
The Finer Things Club app was created to meet requirements of's Sinatra Portfolio Project; these requirements are listed in
To install, clone or fork this repository, then run bundle install
from the terminal prompt.
To create a new verison of the database, populate it with seed data, and get started, run the following commands from the terminal prompt:
$ rake db:rollback STEP=11
$ rake db:migrate db:seed
$ shotgun
Then, in your browser, navigate to localhost:9393
. User names and passwords for the seeded data can be found in db/seeds.rb
. The app's models, associations, and seed data can be directly accessed and manipulated via tux
or rake console
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
This project is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
The Office is a NBC production. This web app is not affiliated with or endorsed by NBC, and no rights associated with the production have been transferred.