Kitaro provides RPC functionality by using tj's axon. Kitaro can be used to easily develop microservices that interact with each other.
(Still in development, more features coming soon)
Install the module with: grunt build
const { Kitaro } = require('kitaro');
const kitaro = new Kitaro("myKitaro", 3226);
THe above function will create a new kitaro. To connect with it from another process, machine, universe use
const { RemoteKitaro } = require('kitaro');
const remote = new RemoteKitaro("", 3226);
One can add functions to their kitaro
kitaro.addFunction('myFunction', () => true,);
kitaro.addFunction('negate', b => -b,);
kitaro.addFunction('sum3', (a, b, c) => a + b + c,);
These functions can be used by a remote kitaro
const remote.connect()
.then(listOfFunctions => {
* [ { label: 'myFunction', returns: 'function' },
* { label: 'negate', returns: 'function' },
* { label: 'sum3', returns: 'function' } ]
.then(async () => {
console.log(await remote.exec.myFunction())
// true
console.log(await remote.exec.negate(3))
// -3
console.log(await remote.exec.sum3(1,2,3))
// 6
(Coming soon)
(Coming soon)
(Nothing yet)
Copyright (c) 2018 chocof Licensed under the MIT license.