A Chat app created for the masses, the app can host any number of users in a single chat room. The app asks for a name to display the messages sent from. It uses Vue.js as a front and the messages are stored in the firebase database. At any given point of time it shows upto 20 previously sent messages. The firebase function deletes the excess messages to save space.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Clone the directory and cd into the directory folder using the terminal. Once you are inside the folder , install the following dependencies one by one.
Project setup (installs npm)
npm install
Installs the vue command line interface
npm install -g @vue/cli
Installs Firebase and firebase-Admin to connect to database
npm install firebase firebase-admin
Make a new database in firebase (firestore) copy the config files of the database and replace them with the config in the init.js file at the location
and then compile the app.
npm run serve
The App will run on your local machine at ,
npm run build
after the build a dest folder is generated which can be used to make the app live.
- Chinmay Sheth