#Project Files and usage
##Script Files There are total 3 script files in this main directory.
- get_feature_names.R
- get_file_path.R
- run_analysis.R
##Files' description
- get_file_path.R is used to get full file path of a file.
- ge_feature_names.R is used to retrieve only meand and standard deviation variables from 561 variables of the original dataset.
- run_analysis.R is the main script file which clean up data and output tidydata.csv file at the end of execution
before running the run_analysis.R "UCI HAR Dataset" folder should be inside this main folder together the scripts files.
##How to run
- this project uses sqldf library, if you haven't installed, please install the sqldf before proceeding to next step.
- put "UCI HAR Dataset" folder in this main directory, therefore the dataset folder should be under getting_and_cleaning_data_course_project
C:\getting_and_cleaning_data_course_project\UCI HAR Dataset
- set this main directory as your R working directory and you are ready to run.
when the execution finished, there will be a file named tidydata.csv with data of 180x68 dimensions