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Follow the generic plugin installation instructions in the FIR wiki.

FIR plugin requirements
fir_celery [link]
fir_artifacts_enrichement [link]

You should also make sure to configure your FIR instance so that it is able to send emails (see EMAIL_HOST, EMAIL_PORT and REPLY_TO in the configuration file).


The fir_abuse plugin adds a context menu to be displayed when you right click on an artifact link on the incident details page.

Thanks to a visual indicator this context menu offers a feedback on the enrichement task fired in the background upon each artifact creation (provided by the two required plugins).

The enrichement task consists mainly in a search for an abuse contact. [more info]

Clicking on Send Abuse in the context menu, opens a Send Email Abuse modal form.

The form comes pre-filled with data from templates and contact info, which you can define from the FIR admin panel:

  • Abuse Templates: name, type, body, subject and incident_category are the five attributes that define an abuse template. The abuse email's subject and body for a specific incident category are filled thanks to these templates. When trying to find a template, FIR will look for the most specific one. The following variables are available by default in the context:

    • subject: name of the incident
    • bls: name of concerned business line
    • artifacts: dictionary of artifacts
    • incident_id: incident id
    • incident_category: category's name
    • artifact: artifact value
    • enrichment: enrichment raw content
  • Abuse Contact: is a qualified contact information that helps define the upper part of the email form: to, cc and bcc. Each contact can be specific to an incident_category and/or a type of artifact. FIR will choose the most specific abuse contact for the name determined by the enrichment task.

If an Abuse Contact exists it's always used to fill the upper part of the form. In this case, the to field will be green. Otherwise it's the Email found through the enrichment process (and the field will be red).

The form also contain an Enrichment tab providing the raw result of the enrichment task.

You should define your Abuse Templates and qualified Abuse Contact by connecting to FIR admin and adding objects to the "Abuse templates" and "Abuse contact" tables.


Add the possibility to save the abuse email found through the enrichment task to the Abuse contact base