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ChatGPT Code Interpreter prompts

I've found the ChatGPT code interpreter feature to be very useful.

Here are some useful prompts to perform various tasks.

Turn images into pencil drawings

Copy and paste the following prompt into ChatGPT Code Interpreter:

Width to 512px, keep aspect ratio. Blur 99px. cv2.divide original pic by blurred pic, scale 255. Unsharp mask, radius 3, amount 3 with skimage.filters. Grayscale.

If it doesn't work, don't worry.

Copy and paste this code. It was written by GPT during a successful attempt.

# Can you execute this code on the attached image?

import cv2
import numpy as np
from skimage import filters, color, img_as_ubyte
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

def process_image(image_path):
    # Load the image
    img = cv2.imread(image_path)

    # Resize the image, preserving the aspect ratio
    desired_width = 512
    aspect_ratio = img.shape[1] / img.shape[0]
    new_height = int(desired_width / aspect_ratio)
    img_resized = cv2.resize(img, (desired_width, new_height))

    # Blur the image
    blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(img_resized, (99, 99), 0)

    # Divide the original image by the blurred image
    divided = cv2.divide(img_resized, blur, scale=255)

    # Convert to RGB for skimage
    divided_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(divided, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

    # Apply unsharp mask
    unsharp_image = filters.unsharp_mask(divided_rgb, radius=3, amount=3)

    # Convert to 8-bit unsigned byte format
    unsharp_image_ubyte = img_as_ubyte(unsharp_image)

    # Convert to grayscale
    gray = color.rgb2gray(unsharp_image_ubyte)

    # Plot the original and final images side by side
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 5))

    # Original image
    axs[0].imshow(cv2.cvtColor(img_resized, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))

    # Final image
    axs[1].imshow(gray, cmap='gray')


# Replace 'image_path' with the path of your image

Avengers Disintegration animation:

Copy and paste the following prompt into ChatGPT Code Interpreter.

You also need to upload an image, preferably one with a single subject and a black background.

I want to apply the disintegration effect from Avengers to this image. Can you help me with it? Provide me with a link to download the video generated. Use the code below:

import imageio
import numpy as np
import random

# Load the image
image_path = "[INSERT IMAGE PATH HERE]"
image = imageio.imread(image_path)

# Define the block size
block_size = 4

# Get the dimensions of the image
height, width, _ = image.shape

# Make sure the image dimensions are divisible by block size
height -= height % block_size
width -= width % block_size

# Crop the image to the new dimensions
image = image[:height, :width]

# Calculate the number of blocks in each dimension
num_blocks_y, num_blocks_x = height // block_size, width // block_size

# Create an index map of blocks
blocks = np.dstack(np.mgrid[0:num_blocks_y, 0:num_blocks_x]).reshape(-1, 2)

# Multiply the indices by the block size to get the pixel coordinates
blocks *= block_size

# Define the distance to move the blocks (Ask the user for X in percentage, tell user default = 10%)
distance = round(0.1 * width)  # Replace 0.1 with X

# Define the number of times to move each block
move_count = 3

# Create a copy of the original image to work on
working_image = image.copy()

# Convert the blocks to a list and randomly shuffle it
blocks_list = list(map(tuple, blocks))

# Define the number of blocks to move (Ask the user for Y in percentage, default = 2% of the total blocks)
num_blocks_to_move = int(0.02 * len(blocks_list))  # Replace 0.02 with Y

# Create a video writer context
with imageio.get_writer('/mnt/data/disintegration_effect.mp4', mode='I', fps=30) as writer:
    # Write a static image to the first 3 frames
    for _ in range(3):

    # Loop over the blocks in the shuffled list
    for _ in range(move_count):
        for i in range(0, len(blocks_list), num_blocks_to_move):
            # Select a slice of blocks to move
            blocks_to_move = blocks_list[i:i+num_blocks_to_move]

            # For each block, move it to the left by the specified distance
            for block in blocks_to_move:
                y, x = block
                shift_distance = int(min(distance * random.random(), x))  # Don't shift more than the x-coordinate of the block

                if x-shift_distance >= 0:
                    working_image[y:y+block_size, x-shift_distance:x+block_size-shift_distance] = working_image[y:y+block_size, x:x+block_size]
                    working_image[y:y+block_size, x:x+block_size] = 0

            # Write the frame to the video file

Remark: The code above was generated with ChatGPT (with some slight modifications) with the prompt below:

But if you use the prompt below, I found the results to be very inconsistent, with 1/5 success rate. Sometimes it makes lots of mistakes. Therefore, it's better to just provide GPT with the code that it previously generated.

Are you familiar with the disintegration effect from Avengers after Thanos snaps his fingers? I want to apply this effect to the PNG image I uploaded. By turning it into a video, can you do it for me?

Using the pixels from the transparent layer, group them into blocks of 4x4 pixels. Then, give each block an index. For each frame, several blocks at random. Then translate those blocks to the left. Keep doing this for the frames until all the blocks have left the image, and only a blank image remains.

Use the imageio library to help you. Save the frames directly to a video file instead of into a list.

Panning an image and turning it into a video

Copy and paste the following prompt into ChatGPT Code Interpreter.

This image is a panoramic shot. 

Help me turn it into a video with aspect ratio 3:2, with the image filling the entire video (so the sides are cut off).  The video should be centered in the middle of the image.

Then, pan the video smoothly (with no sudden jumps) as follows:

Start: Center --> Right --> Center --> Left --> Center: End

Use the imageio library to help you. Save the frames directly to a video file instead of into a list.

Use a frame step of 8 pixels. If necessary, crop the edges of the image so that the size of the image is divisible by the frame step.


A compilation of some ChatGPT prompts I find useful.






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