A fast & lightweight XML/HTML parser in Swift that makes your life easier.
Fuzi is based on a Swift port of Mattt Thompson's Ono(斧), with moderate class & interface redesign following standard Swift conventions, along with several bug fixes.
Fuzi(斧子) means "axe", in homage to Ono(斧), which in turn is inspired by Nokogiri (鋸), which means "saw".
let xml = "..."
do {
let document = try XMLDocument(string: xml)
if let root = document.root {
// Accessing all child nodes of root element
for element in root.children {
print("\(element.tag): \(element.attributes)")
// Getting child element by tag & accessing attributes
if let length = root.firstChild(tag:"Length", inNamespace: "dc") {
print(length["unit"]) // `unit` attribute
print(length.attributes) // all attributes
// XPath & CSS queries
for element in document.xpath("") {
print("\(element.tag): \(element.attributes)")
if let firstLink = document.firstChild(css: "a, link") {
} catch let error {
- Extremely performant document parsing and traversal, powered by
- Support for both XPath and CSS queries
- Automatic conversion of date and number values
- Correct, common-sense handling of XML namespaces for elements and attributes
- Ability to load HTML and XML documents from either
- Comprehensive test suite
- Full documentation
- Simple, modern API following standard Swift conventions, no more return types like
that cause unnecessary type casts - Customizable date and number formatters
- Some bugs fixes
- Support for more CSS selectors (yet to come)
- More convinience methods for HTML Documents (yet to come)
- iOS 8.0+ / Mac OS X 10.9+
- Xcode 7.0
You can use Cocoapods to install Fuzi
by adding it to your to your Podfile
platform :ios, '8.0'
target 'MyApp' do
pod 'Fuzi', '~> 0.1.0'
Then, run the following command:
$ pod install
Adding the following line to your Cartfile
or Cartfile.private
github "cezheng/Fuzi"
Then, run the following command:
$ carthage update
##Usage ###XML
import Fuzi
let xml = "..."
do {
// if encoding is omitted, it defaults to NSUTF8StringEncoding
let doc = try XMLDocument(string: html, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
if let root = document.root {
// define a prefix for a namespace
document.definePrefix("atom", defaultNamespace: "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom")
// get first child element with given tag in namespace(optional)
print(root.firstChild(tag: "title", inNamespace: "atom")
// iterate through all children
for element in root.children {
print("\(index) \(element.tag): \(element.attributes)")
// you can also use CSS selector against XMLDocument when you feels it makes sense
} catch let error {
is a subclass of XMLDocument
import Fuzi
let html = "<html>...</html>"
do {
// if encoding is omitted, it defaults to NSUTF8StringEncoding
let doc = try HTMLDocument(string: html, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
// CSS queries
if let elementById = doc.css("#id") {
for link in doc.css("a, link") {
// XPath queries
if let title = doc.firstChild(xpath: "//head/title") {
for paragraph in doc.xpath(".//body/descendant::p") {
} catch let error {
##Migrating From Ono? Looking at example program is the swiftest way to know the difference. The following 2 examples do exactly the same thing.
is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.