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Anomaly Detection Algorithm nlp-BI-2594
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Niger Little-Poole committed Dec 3, 2015
2 parents b77bba0 + 9503ee5 commit fea2457
Showing 3 changed files with 331 additions and 0 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
from setuptools import setup

description='The Anomaly Detection Package',
author='Niger Little-Poole',
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions thermometr/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
from thermometr import Thermometr
319 changes: 319 additions & 0 deletions thermometr/
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@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
import statsmodels.api as sm
import math
import random
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import t
import scipy.stats as st
import numpy as np
import collections

from numbers import Number

class Thermometr():
Thermometr objects generate anomoly measurements from input series

def __init__(self, series, dates =None):
list comprehension standardizes series to np.arrays
series (Optional[int] or DataFrame or Dict): 1D or 2D group of numerical values or Dataframe
dates [str]: List of dates corresponding to series. Multiple formats are supported
self.series = [np.array(x) for x in Thermometr.standardize_data(series)]
self.dates = dates

def standardize_data(series):
Static method that regularlizes series to 2D list of numpy arrays
Type errors that aren't in the first position of the iterable won't be caught
series (Optional[int] or DataFrame or Dict): 1D or 2D group of numerical values or Dataframe
List of numpy arrays containing series, raises ValueError if problem

lists = []

if len(series) == 0:
raise ValueError('Empty series not allowed')
# python strings will pass iterable so need to explicitely check
if isinstance(series,str):
raise ValueError('Series could not be parsed, must be iterable')
# DataFrame isn't a standard iterable, .values returns np.array()
if isinstance(series, pd.DataFrame):
for i in df.columns:
return lists
# can't select from dict with [0] index so need seperate case
elif isinstance(series, dict):
for sub in series.values():
return lists
# standard use case
elif isinstance(series, collections.Iterable):
if isinstance(series[0], Number):
return lists
# if it is a list of lists, then it recurses into this function again
elif isinstance(series[0], collections.Iterable):
for sub in series:
return lists

raise ValueError('Series could not be parsed, must be iterable')

def seasonal_esd(inputs, a =.025, frequency = 3, start= None, end =None):
Static method that generates anomolies from the given series
using S-H-ESD algorithm developed by twitter
Based on frequency, the decompisition trend values can become NULL near the bounds of the series
this is a stats_model limitation and has been dealt with using an imputation
inputs (np.array[int]): time series of numerical values
a (float): a confidence level(alpha) for the algorithm to use to determine outliers
frequency (int): the frequency of season of the data (instances to complete cycle)
start (int): the first index in the series to check for anomalies
end (int): the last index in the series to check for anomalies
List of tuple pairs (anomoly,index) indicating the anomolies for input series

outliers = []
raw = np.copy(inputs) # copy so that you keep inputs immutable
data = sm.tsa.seasonal_decompose(raw, freq=frequency) # STL decomposition algorithm from stats_model

trend = data.trend
for i in range(len(trend)):
substitute = trend[i-frequency] if i > frequency else trend[i + frequency]
trend[i] = substitute if np.isnan(trend[i]) else trend[i]
vals = data.observed - data.trend - data.seasonal # distance from STL curve for each point in series
mean = np.nanmean(vals) # mean of the residuals

# need to impute NULL residuals to mean
pairs = []
for i in range(len(vals)):
v = mean if np.isnan(vals[i]) else vals[i]
return Thermometr.grubbs_test(inputs, pairs, start,end,a)

def grubbs_test( inputs,errs, start=None,end=None, a = .025):
Static method that finds anomalies in a sample of normally distributed random variables
An assumption is made that the input data is normal. Grubb's test uses the chi squared
distribution and n degrees of freedom to account for small sample sizes
inputs (np.array[int]): time series of numerical values
start (int): the first index in the series to check for anomalies
end (int): the last index in the series to check for anomalies
a (float): a confidence level(alpha) for the algorithm to use to determine outliers
outliers = []
vals = errs
start = 0 if start is None else start
end = len(vals) -1 if end is None else end
check = True

# run grubbs test until the furthest remaining point fails
while check == True:
g = 0
val = 0
n = len(vals)
index = 0
ind = 0
series = [ x[0] for x in vals]
series = np.array(series)
u = np.nanmean(series)
s = np.nanstd(series)
# find residual with largest z value, or distance from mean
for j in range(len(vals)):
if j >= start and j <= end:
v = vals[j][0]
k = vals[j][1]
val = v if abs( (u - v )/s)> g else val
index = int(j) if abs( (u - v) /s)> g else index
ind = k if abs( (u - v) /s)> g else ind
g = abs( (u - v) /s) if abs( (u - v) /s)> g else g

# generate critical value for grubb's test
critical = ( (n -1) /math.sqrt(n))*math.sqrt(math.pow(t.ppf(a/(2*n), n -2),2)/ (n -2 + math.pow(t.ppf(a/(2*n),n-2),2) ) )
if g > critical:
outliers.append((inputs[ind],ind, 1 - critical/g))
check = False
# remove value for next iteration of the test by imputing to new mean
vals[index] = (u*n - vals[index])/ (n-1)
return outliers

def arima_test(values, clean,start= None, end=1, strict =True ):
Static method that is used for finding anomalies with ARIMA and not STL
ARIMA doesn't work on small series so in strict mode validation defaults to false
and in non strict defaults to true
values (np.array[int]): time series values
start (int): the first index in the series to check for anomalies
end (int): the last index in the series to check for anomalies
strict (binary): determines the default return value for when a comparison cannot be completed
List of tuple pairs (anomoly,index) indicating the anomolies for input series
n = len(values)
# ARIMA doesn't work on series less than 13
if n < 13:
return not strict
# Build the ARIMA model and generate projections
diffs = np.diff(clean)
clean = np.array([0])
clean = np.concatenate((clean,diffs))

model = sm.tsa.AR(clean).fit()
base = 12 # ARIMA requires starting the projections at an index less than the maximum
fits = model.predict(base, n)
errs = []
# generates all the differences between arima projections and observed values
for i in range(base,n):
errs.append((fits[i-base] - values[i],i))

return Thermometr.grubbs_test(values, errs)
except Exception as e:
print e
return []

def derivative(y):
Returns deriviative of series y
y (np.array[float]): series of values
np.array[float] of changes between values
dx = 0.001
dy = np.diff(y)/dx
return np.multiply(dy,.001)

def seasonality(y):
Generates the frequency of a timeseries
computes frequency by checking average number of times
for the derivative to change sign 3 times
y (np.array[float]): series of values
int representing frequency
vals = Thermometr.derivative(y)
sign = 1 if vals[0] >=0 else -1
changes = 0
count = 0
counts = []
for val in vals:
if val * sign < 0:
sign = -1 if sign >=0 else 1
changes +=1
if changes ==3:
changes =0
count = 0
return int(np.nanmean(np.array(counts[1:]) ) )
except Exception as e:
print e
return 3

def detect_series(series,start,end, strict = False , a=0.025):
Finds anomalies in a series using ESD and ARIMA validation
series (np.array[float]): the time series values
start (int): the first index in the series to check for anomalies
end (int): the last index in the series to check for anomalies
Returns [tuples] containing anomalies, their index, their value, and their ESD score
vals = np.copy(series)
potential = Thermometr.seasonal_esd(vals,a=a,frequency= Thermometr.seasonality(vals), start=start, end=end)
potential = sorted(potential, key=lambda x: x[1])
indices = [x[1] for x in potential]

clean = np.copy(vals)
for i in range(len(vals)):
if i in indices and i >0:
clean[i] = clean[i-1]

# check against ARIMA results, if strict mode only take intersection of anomaly sets
others = Thermometr.arima_test(vals,clean)
if strict:
confirmed = []
indices = [x[1] for x in others]
for x in potential:
if x[1] < 12 or x[1] in indices:
potential = confirmed
potential = {v[1]:v for v in potential}.values()
anomalies = sorted(potential, key=lambda x: x[1])
return anomalies

def detect(self, start = None, end = None, strict = False, a =0.025):
Finds anomalies in each series of Thermometr
start (int): the first index in the series to check for anomalies
end (int): the last index in the series to check for anomalies
list or list of lists contianing anomalies for Thermometr
results = []

for sub_series in self.series:
n = len(sub_series)
s= eval(start) if type(start) == str else start
e = eval(end) if type(end) == str else end
if self.dates is not None:
temp = []
for sub_series in results:
temp.append ([ {"value":x[0], "index":self.dates[x[1]], "ESD":x[2]} for x in sub_series ])
results = temp
temp = []
for sub_series in results:
temp.append ([ {"value":x[0], "index":x[1], "ESD":x[2]} for x in sub_series ])
results = temp
if len(results) ==1:
results = results[0]
return results

def detect_latest(self,strict = False, a=0.025):
Finds last index anomalies in each series of Thermometr
same as detect() except sets start = n-1 and end = n given n = len(series)
list or list of lists contianing anomalies for Thermometr
return self.detect("n-1","n", strict,a)

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