This module allows users to authenticate to FIR using an OpenID Connect provider.
Two OpenID connect flows are supported: authorization code
(for user authentication) and client credentials
(for API/machine-to-machine authentication).
Follow the generic plugin installation instructions in the FIR wiki.
To enable OIDC authentication, the first step is to obtain a client ID & client secret from your OpenID Connect Provider (OP).
When generating these, you may be requested to enter a redirect URI. The redirect URI of FIR is http(s)://YOURFIRINSTALL/oidc/callback/
Then, you need to add (and edit according to your setup) the following settings to
# For the sake of example, the settings below are pre-configured for Azure Entra ID. FIR is compatible with any OIDC provider.
OIDC_OP_JWKS_ENDPOINT = "<AzureTenantID>/discovery/v2.0/keys"
OIDC_OP_AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT = "<AzureTenantID>/oauth2/v2.0/authorize"
OIDC_OP_TOKEN_ENDPOINT = "<AzureTenantID>/oauth2/v2.0/token"
OIDC_OP_USER_ENDPOINT = "" # userinfo endpoint
OIDC_RP_SCOPES = "openid profile email User.Read api://<FIRclientID>/FIR" # To create a scope in Azure: App Registration > Expose an API > Add a scope
OIDC_RP_CLIENT_ID = "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111"
OIDC_RP_CLIENT_SECRET = "" # To create a client secret in Azure: App Registration > Certificates & Secrets > New client secret
# Define which OIDC claim should be used to retrieve user attributes. JSONpath can be used here
"email": "email",
"first_name": "given_name",
"last_name": "family_name",
"username": "preferred_username", # use "preferred_username" claim to retrieve username
"roles": "roles",
# API access: Define which OIDC claim should be used to retrieve attributes from a service principal access_token. JSONpath can be used here
"username": "appid",
"roles": "roles",
## Define which OIDC role should correspond to which Django group
## To create a role in Azure: App Registration > App roles > Create app role
"FIR.globaleditor": ["Incident handlers"],
"FIR.entity.audit": ["Incident viewers"],
## Define which flag should each user have depending on its OIDC role
## To create a role in Azure: App Registration > App roles > Create app role
"FIR.admins": ["is_superuser", "is_active", "is_staff"],
"FIR.businessline1": ["is_active"],
"FIR.businessline2": ["is_active"],
## Define which permission on each business line should each user have depending on its OIDC role
## To create a role in Azure: App Registration > App roles > Create app role
"FIR.entity.businessline1": [
("Demo BusinessLine 1", "Incident handlers"),
"FIR.entity.businessline2": [
("Sub BL 1", "Incident viewers"),
("Demo BusinessLine 2", "Incident handlers"),
LOGIN_URL = "oidc_authentication_init"
OIDC_CALLBACK_CLASS = "fir_auth_oidc.views.SessionOIDCAuthenticationCallbackView"
INSTALLED_APPS += ("mozilla_django_oidc",)
# If you wish to view user claims as seen by FIR, you can enable debug logs:
LOGGING["loggers"]["mozilla_django_oidc"] = {"handlers": ["console"], "level": "DEBUG"}
## If you wish to set users permissions without using claim mapping
## you can alternatively use a custom function, like this:
# def myCustomClaim2permissions(user, claims):
# """
# :param user: the current django user object
# :param claims: the claims as retrieved from the OpenID Connect Provider
# :return: the django user object. An user wihout groups will be denied connection.
# """
# from django.contrib.auth.models import Group
# # Then do whatever you want to the user object.
# # Here is an example using claims "companyName" and "Department"
# if (
# "fitbit" in claims.get("companyName", "").lower()
# or "android" in claims.get("companyName", "").lower()
# ):
# try:
# grp = Group.object.get(name="FIR.alphabet." + claims.get("Department", ""))
# user.groups.add(grp)
# user.is_active = True
# except Group.DoesNotExist:
# pass
# return user
# AUTH_OIDC_CLAIM_MAP_FUNCTION = myCustomClaim2permissions