Smart Inventory Management System for Department MakerSpace Lab
Password: admin_user
Password: regular_user
Password: lecturer_user
Laravel Boilerplate provides you with a massive head start on any size web application. Out of the box it has features like a backend built on CoreUI with Spatie/Permission authorization. It has a frontend scaffold built on Bootstrap 4. Other features such as Two Factor Authentication, User/Role management, searchable/sortable tables built on my Laravel Livewire tables plugin, user impersonation, timezone support, multi-lingual support with 20+ built in languages, demo mode, and much more.
Click here for the official documentation
You need to install Wamp server and run it before following commands. Please make sure you already created database user account.
// Install PHP dependencies
composer install
// If you received mmap() error, use this command
// php -d memory_limit=-1 /usr/local/bin/composer install
// Update PHP dependencies
composer update
// Install Node dependencies (development mode)
npm install
npm run dev
// Prepare the public link for storage
php artisan storage:link
// Prepare the database
php artisan migrate
// Reset the database and seed the data
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
// Prepare webhook for unit testing
git config --local core.hooksPath .githooks
// Serve PHP web server
php artisan serve
// Serve PHP web server, in a specific IP & port
php artisan serve --host= --port=8000
// To work with Vue components
npm run watch
// Enable execution of bash script (for Linux)
chmod +x
// Run bash script
// Remove dev dependencies
composer install --optimize-autoloader --no-dev
php artisan config:cache
php artisan route:cache
php artisan view:cache
php artisan config:clear
php artisan route:clear
php artisan view:clear
php artisan down --message="{Message}" --retry=60
php artisan up
// Create Model, Controller and Database Seeder
php artisan make:model {name} --migration --controller --seed
// Create a Email
php artisan make:mail -m
// Commandline interface for Database Operations
php artisan tinker
// Run the unit tests
php artisan test
// Run unit tests in parallel
php artisan test -p
Verb | URI | Action | Route Name |
GET | /photos/{photo}/comments | index | photos.comments.index |
GET | /photos/{photo}/comments/create | create | photos.comments.create |
POST | /photos/{photo}/comments | store | |
GET | /comments/{comment} | show | |
GET | /comments/{comment}/edit | edit | comments.edit |
PUT/PATCH | /comments/{comment} | update | comments.update |
DELETE | /comments/{comment} | destroy | comments.destroy |