Is a development tool to download and update the snippets of codes from CenitIO.
npm install -g cenit-io/cenit-snippets
cenit-snippets -h
Usage: cenit-snippets [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-u, --url, [url] Set CenitIO base URL
-k, --key, [key] Set CenitIO tenant key
-t, --token, [token] Set CenitIO tenant token
-p, --tenant, [tenant] Set CenitIO tenant name
-n, --namespace, [namespace] Set CenitIO namespace
-o, --out, [out] Set output path
-s, --origins, [origin] Set data origins
cenit-snippets -k KKKKKKKKKK -t TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT -o "./development" -s "default,owner" -n "^(eCAPIv1|OMNAv2|Ov2.*)$" -u https://cenit.io