Undergraduates at the University of Waterloo: if you want to work with me read this guide first.
This onboarding path provides the starting point of working in our group and comprises the following lessons:
- Begin your journey here.
- BM25 Baselines for MS MARCO Passage Ranking in Anserini.
- BM25 Baseline for MS MARCO Passage Ranking in Pyserini.
- A Conceptual Framework for Retrieval
- Contriever Baseline for NFCorpus
- A Deeper Dive into Dense and Sparse Representations
This repository introduces several methods for users without local GPU resources.
- Transform Google Colab to a GPU instance with full SSH access
- Guide to ComputeCanada GPU resources
- Guide to use UW GPU resources
This is the guide to fine-tuning monoBERT on MS MARCO Passage dataset, based on Capreolus toolkit. For Compute Canada users, you may need to set up the environment following this guide.