Julia bindings to the NVIDIA Tools Extension Library (NVTX).
This requires the NVTX library be installed, as well as Nsight systems.
Both are included in the NVIDIA CUDA toolkit (no GPU is required).
Currently only Linux is supported.
nsys --trace=nvtx julia script.jl
When using with MPI, the MPI launcher can be place inside the nsys call
nsys profile --trace=nvtx,mpi --mpi-impl=openmpi mpiexec -n 2 julia --project mpi.jl
which will generate one report for the whole run, or outside
mpiexec -n 2 nsys profile --trace=nvtx,mpi --mpi-impl=openmpi --output=report.%q{OMPI_COMM_WORLD_RANK} julia --project mpi.jl
which will generate a report for each MPI process, and can be opened as a "multi-report view".