Congratulations! After a lot of hard work in the data munging mines, you've landed a job as Lead Analyst for an independent gaming company. You've been assigned the task of analyzing the data for their most recent fantasy game Heroes of Pymoli.
Like many others in its genre, the game is free-to-play, but players are encouraged to purchase optional items that enhance their playing experience. As a first task, the company would like you to generate a report that breaks down the game's purchasing data into meaningful insights.
Of the 1163 active players, the vast majority are male (84%). There also exists, a smaller, but notable proportion of female players (14%).
Our peak age demographic falls between 20-24 (44.79%) with secondary groups falling between 15-19 (18.58%) and 25-29 (13.37%).
The age group that spends the most money is the 20-24 with $1,114.06 dollars as total purchase value and an average purchase of $4.32. In contrast, the demographic group that has the highest average purchase is the 35-39 with $4.76 and a total purchase value of $147.67.
# Dependencies and Setup
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# Raw data file
file_to_load = "Resources/purchase_data.csv"
# Read purchasing file and store into pandas data frame
purchase_data = pd.read_csv(file_to_load)
- Total Number of Players
# Use the length of list of screen names "SN", for total players.
total_players = len(purchase_data["SN"].value_counts())
# Create a data frame with total players named player count
player_count = pd.DataFrame({"Total Players":[total_players]})
Total Players | |
0 | 576 |
Number of Unique Items
Average Purchase Price
Total Number of Purchases
Total Revenue
# Calculations for unique items, average price, purchase count, and revenue
number_of_unique_items = len((purchase_data["Item ID"]).unique())
average_price = (purchase_data["Price"]).mean()
number_of_purchases = (purchase_data["Purchase ID"]).count()
total_revenue = (purchase_data["Price"]).sum()
# Create data frame with obtained values
summary_df = pd.DataFrame({"Number of Unique Items":[number_of_unique_items],
"Average Price":[average_price],
"Number of Purchases": [number_of_purchases],
"Total Revenue": [total_revenue]})
# Format with currency style{'Average Price':"${:,.2f}",
'Total Revenue': '${:,.2f}'})
Number of Unique Items | Average Price | Number of Purchases | Total Revenue | |
0 | 183 | $3.05 | 780 | $2,379.77 |
Percentage and Count of Male Players
Percentage and Count of Female Players
Percentage and Count of Other / Non-Disclosed
# Group purchase_data by Gender
gender_stats = purchase_data.groupby("Gender")
# Count the total of screen names "SN" by gender
total_count_gender = gender_stats.nunique()["SN"]
# Total count by gender and divivde by total players
percentage_of_players = total_count_gender / total_players * 100
# Create data frame with obtained values
gender_demographics = pd.DataFrame({"Percentage of Players": percentage_of_players, "Total Count": total_count_gender})
# Format the data frame with no index name in the corner = None
# Format the values sorted by total count in descending order, and two decimal places for the percentage
gender_demographics.sort_values(["Total Count"], ascending = False).style.format({"Percentage of Players":"{:.2f}"})
Percentage of Players | Total Count | |
Male | 84.03 | 484 |
Female | 14.06 | 81 |
Other / Non-Disclosed | 1.91 | 11 |
The below each broken by gender
Purchase Count
Average Purchase Price
Total Purchase Value
Average Purchase Total per Person by Gender
# Count the total purchases by gender
purchase_count = gender_stats["Purchase ID"].count()
# Average purchase prices by gender
avg_purchase_price = gender_stats["Price"].mean()
# Average purchase total by gender
avg_purchase_total = gender_stats["Price"].sum()
# Average purchase total by gender divivded by purchase count by unique shoppers
avg_purchase_per_person = avg_purchase_total/total_count_gender
# Create data frame with obtained values
gender_demographics = pd.DataFrame({"Purchase Count": purchase_count,
"Average Purchase Price": avg_purchase_price,
"Average Purchase Value":avg_purchase_total,
"Avg Purchase Total per Person": avg_purchase_per_person})
# Provide index in top left as "Gender" = "Gender"
# Format with currency style{"Average Purchase Value":"${:,.2f}",
"Average Purchase Price":"${:,.2f}",
"Avg Purchase Total per Person":"${:,.2f}"})
Purchase Count | Average Purchase Price | Average Purchase Value | Avg Purchase Total per Person | |
Gender | ||||
Female | 113 | $3.20 | $361.94 | $4.47 |
Male | 652 | $3.02 | $1,967.64 | $4.07 |
Other / Non-Disclosed | 15 | $3.35 | $50.19 | $4.56 |
The below each broken into bins of 4 years (i.e. <10, 10-14, 15-19, etc.)
Percentage of Players
Total Count
# Establish bins for ages
age_bins = [0, 9.90, 14.90, 19.90, 24.90, 29.90, 34.90, 39.90, 99999]
group_names = ["<10", "10-14", "15-19", "20-24", "25-29", "30-34", "35-39", "40+"]
# Segment and sort age values into bins established above
purchase_data["Age Group"] = pd.cut(purchase_data["Age"],age_bins, labels=group_names)
# Create new data frame with the added "Age Group" and group it
age_grouped = purchase_data.groupby("Age Group")
# Count total players by age category
total_count_age = age_grouped["SN"].nunique()
# Calculate percentages by age category
percentage_by_age = (total_count_age/total_players) * 100
# Create data frame with obtained values
age_demographics = pd.DataFrame({"Percentage of Players": percentage_by_age, "Total Count": total_count_age})
# Format the data frame with no index name in the corner = None
# Format percentage with two decimal places{"Percentage of Players":"{:,.2f}"})
Percentage of Players | Total Count | |
<10 | 2.95 | 17 |
10-14 | 3.82 | 22 |
15-19 | 18.58 | 107 |
20-24 | 44.79 | 258 |
25-29 | 13.37 | 77 |
30-34 | 9.03 | 52 |
35-39 | 5.38 | 31 |
40+ | 2.08 | 12 |
The below each broken into bins of 4 years (i.e. <10, 10-14, 15-19, etc.)
Purchase Count
Average Purchase Price
Total Purchase Value
Average Purchase Total per Person by Age Group
# Count purchases by age group
purchase_count_age = age_grouped["Purchase ID"].count()
# Obtain average purchase price by age group
avg_purchase_price_age = age_grouped["Price"].mean()
# Calculate total purchase value by age group
total_purchase_value = age_grouped["Price"].sum()
# Calculate the average purchase per person in the age group
avg_purchase_per_person_age = total_purchase_value/total_count_age
# Create data frame with obtained values
age_demographics = pd.DataFrame({"Purchase Count": purchase_count_age,
"Average Purchase Price": avg_purchase_price_age,
"Total Purchase Value":total_purchase_value,
"Average Purchase Total per Person": avg_purchase_per_person_age})
# Format the data frame with no index name in the corner = None
# Format with currency style{"Average Purchase Price":"${:,.2f}",
"Total Purchase Value":"${:,.2f}",
"Average Purchase Total per Person":"${:,.2f}"})
Purchase Count | Average Purchase Price | Total Purchase Value | Average Purchase Total per Person | |
<10 | 23 | $3.35 | $77.13 | $4.54 |
10-14 | 28 | $2.96 | $82.78 | $3.76 |
15-19 | 136 | $3.04 | $412.89 | $3.86 |
20-24 | 365 | $3.05 | $1,114.06 | $4.32 |
25-29 | 101 | $2.90 | $293.00 | $3.81 |
30-34 | 73 | $2.93 | $214.00 | $4.12 |
35-39 | 41 | $3.60 | $147.67 | $4.76 |
40+ | 13 | $2.94 | $38.24 | $3.19 |
Identify the the top 5 spenders in the game by total purchase value, then list (in a table):
SN(screen name)
Purchase Count
Average Purchase Price
Total Purchase Value
# Group purchase data by screen names
spender_stats = purchase_data.groupby("SN")
# Count the total purchases by name
purchase_count_spender = spender_stats["Purchase ID"].count()
# Calculate the average purchase by name
avg_purchase_price_spender = spender_stats["Price"].mean()
# Calculate purchase total
purchase_total_spender = spender_stats["Price"].sum()
# Create data frame with obtained values
top_spenders = pd.DataFrame({"Purchase Count": purchase_count_spender,
"Average Purchase Price": avg_purchase_price_spender,
"Total Purchase Value":purchase_total_spender})
# Sort in descending order to obtain top 5 spender names
formatted_spenders = top_spenders.sort_values(["Total Purchase Value"], ascending=False).head()
# Format with currency style{"Average Purchase Total":"${:,.2f}",
"Average Purchase Price":"${:,.2f}",
"Total Purchase Value":"${:,.2f}"})
Purchase Count | Average Purchase Price | Total Purchase Value | |
SN | |||
Lisosia93 | 5 | $3.79 | $18.96 |
Idastidru52 | 4 | $3.86 | $15.45 |
Chamjask73 | 3 | $4.61 | $13.83 |
Iral74 | 4 | $3.40 | $13.62 |
Iskadarya95 | 3 | $4.37 | $13.10 |
Top 5 most popular items by purchase count:
Item ID
Item Name
Purchase Count
Item Price
Total Purchase Value
# Create new data frame with items related information
items = purchase_data[["Item ID", "Item Name", "Price"]]
# Group the item data by item id and item name
item_stats = items.groupby(["Item ID","Item Name"])
# Count the number of times an item has been purchased
purchase_count_item = item_stats["Price"].count()
# Calcualte the purchase value per item
purchase_value = (item_stats["Price"].sum())
# Find individual item price
item_price = purchase_value/purchase_count_item
# Create data frame with obtained values
most_popular_items = pd.DataFrame({"Purchase Count": purchase_count_item,
"Item Price": item_price,
"Total Purchase Value":purchase_value})
# Sort in descending order to obtain top spender names and provide top 5 item names
popular_formatted = most_popular_items.sort_values(["Purchase Count"], ascending=False).head()
# Format with currency style{"Item Price":"${:,.2f}",
"Total Purchase Value":"${:,.2f}"})
Purchase Count | Item Price | Total Purchase Value | ||
Item ID | Item Name | |||
178 | Oathbreaker, Last Hope of the Breaking Storm | 12 | $4.23 | $50.76 |
145 | Fiery Glass Crusader | 9 | $4.58 | $41.22 |
108 | Extraction, Quickblade Of Trembling Hands | 9 | $3.53 | $31.77 |
82 | Nirvana | 9 | $4.90 | $44.10 |
19 | Pursuit, Cudgel of Necromancy | 8 | $1.02 | $8.16 |
Top 5 most profitable items by total purchase value:
Item ID
Item Name
Purchase Count
Item Price
Total Purchase Value
# Take the most_popular items data frame and change the sorting to find highest total purchase value
popular_formatted = most_popular_items.sort_values(["Total Purchase Value"],
# Format with currency style{"Item Price":"${:,.2f}",
"Total Purchase Value":"${:,.2f}"})
Purchase Count | Item Price | Total Purchase Value | ||
Item ID | Item Name | |||
178 | Oathbreaker, Last Hope of the Breaking Storm | 12 | $4.23 | $50.76 |
82 | Nirvana | 9 | $4.90 | $44.10 |
145 | Fiery Glass Crusader | 9 | $4.58 | $41.22 |
92 | Final Critic | 8 | $4.88 | $39.04 |
103 | Singed Scalpel | 8 | $4.35 | $34.80 |