discussion: async-graphql vs jupiter and diesel vs tokio-postgres vs sqlx #33
@clifinger did you know about async-graphql
At this moment this solution has more features and I feel better then use of jupiter.
I personally followed the implementation of twentyfive-stars and liked the interface more than Jupiter. Jupiter supports async, but not released yet and Jupiter lack of good documentation when async-graphql has excellent book
During the investigation, I came across sqlx and found this native rust driver feature to verify SQL during the build is awesome and helps to find bugs before the actual run.
There are actually 3 choices:
I have tried all 3 and finally stopped on sqlx, diesel is crazy complex and not native driver, tokio-postgres is too basic and sqlx is a very good balanced generic solution and I feel performance would be better as it does not have a dependency on libpq (C driver)
I think, that for Bollerplate we need to pick the best solutions on the market and diesel and Jupiter are not the best