All-ffers is a freelance jobs aggregator from multiple freelance websites (aggregating several thousands offers) and a personal management system for user´s own freelance projects.
- Parsing/scraping of freelance IT offers from multiple websites in several countries.
- Storing offer and user data in a cloud database (MongoDB Atlas).
- Internal API for the client-server communication and all CRUD operations.
- Frontend in form of a SPA (Single Page Application).
- Personal management system for user´s own favourite, started and finished projects.
- Graphical visualisation of user´s freelance projects statistics (Chart.js).
- Various sorting, filtering and searching functionality.
- Different display options for job offers (short, medium and expanded view).
- Pagination.
- Session based authorization and authentication (Passport.js).
- Usage of an external API for current currency exchange rates.
- React
- Redux
- ReactRouter
- Redux-Thunk
- Node.js
- Express
- MongoDB & MongoDB Atlas
- Mongoose
- Passport.js
- Cheerio
- Chart.js
- CSS3