Tags: bylogic99/InstagramApiSharp
v1.5.0.0 [Update] api version and signature key to v126. [Update] Headers and constants [Update] GetUserTimelineFeedAsync, Constants and some others [Update] a lot of things related to login and other things [Add] SendRequestsBeforeLoginAsync to InstaApi [Add] SendRequestsAfterLoginAsync to InstaApi
v1.3.4.6 - [Bugfix] for slider emoji in story upload - [Add] CropWidth and CropHeight as parameter for CreateHighlightFeedAsync (thx to @szokeptr) - [Add] LastPermanentItem property to InstaDirectInboxThread by @estgold - [Add] RelatedHashtags to GetTopHashtagMediaListAsync - [Update] GetTopHashtagMediaListAsync - [Update] GetRecentHashtagMediaListAsync - [Update] api version to (it's default now)