Ecstatic is a straightforward Javascript implementation of the ECS pattern commonly found in the games.
$ npm install @brochington/estatic
Ecstatic is:
- Fast! Some fancy indexing occurs when an entity is created to make sure that systems iterate over entities very efficiently.
- Simple!
- Class definitions (
class MyClass { ... }
) are used to key off of for things like Sytem registration and component querying. This greatly helps to reduce the amount typing. - Component classes need not inherit from any base Component class.
- Class definitions (
- Type Safe! Typescript is not required, but if you do use it, then you can enjoy autocomplete throughout.
import {
} from '@brochington/ecstatic';
Components are just a regular ol' class!
No need to inherit or extend another class.
class AwesomeComponent {
count = 0;
class UnusedComponent {}
This type lets Ecstatic know the available component types.
Unneeded if you are using vanilla JS.
type Components = typeof AwesomeComponent | typeof UnusedComponent
Create an instance of the world, which contains all ECS state,
including all entities and components. Also has some methods
to help in interacting with these as well.
const world = new World<Components>();
/* Create a system */
const system = world.createSystem(
Note that you pass in the Component Class definition here.
No need to use other keys such as strings.
(args: SystemFuncArgs<Components>): void => {
const { components } = args;
Ecstatic offers a number of ways to query for entities and components.
Great care has been taken to maintain type completion in Typescript.
const comp = components.get(AwesomeComponent);
comp.count += 1;
/* Create a component instance */
const awesomeComponent = new AwesomeComponent();
/* Create entity instance */
const awesomeEntity = new Entity<Components>(world)
/* Add a component to the entity */
/* Run system */;
/* find entities by component, which is this case is the same instance as awesomeEntity above. */
const stillAwesomeEntity = world.locate([AwesomeComponent]);
/* Get Component instance attached to entity */
const awesomeComp = stillAwesomeEntity.get(AwesomeComponent);
/* Count is updated! */
Create an issue, but be kind :)