npm install --save akkad
requires npm >= 5.0
Akkad is a React Webgl target that uses the Babylon.js library. Its aim is to allow any developer familiar with React the ability to create 3D scenes and games.
- Full power of React meets WebGL and Babylon
- Embed multiple interactive "scenes" directly in your React based site.
- Uses a redux-like state cycle
- Defined method of extention via Entities and Systems.
- Imported Meshes
- Materials with Textures
- Muliple forms of camera and light sources
- Basic Animations
- Gravity
- Collisions
- Particles
- Basic triggers like onClick
- Add things like overlays with React generated DOM
- Lot's more to come!
A basic example of Akkad can be created in one file:
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {Akkad, Scene, cameras, lights, shapes} from "akkad";
const {ArcRotateCamera} = cameras;
const {HemisphericLight} = lights;
const {Box} = shapes;
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
position={[3, 4, -5]}
target={[0, 1, 0]}
<HemisphericLight />
<Box />
export default App;
Please check out the example project included for more.
Akkad includes an example project for quick testing and development work. To use the example project:
From the project root:
$ cd akkad
$ npm run setup:watch
$ cd ../example
$ npm run setup:dev // only needed the first time.
$ npm run start:dev
This will allow you to make changes to Akkad live while you are running the example app.