- SubArray
- HeadTail
- MakeChunks
- MinBy
- MaxBy
- ForEach
- Enumerate
- Visualize
- VisualizeToConsole
- GetColumn, GetRow
- GetAt
- Copy
- MirrorVertically, MirrorHorizontally
- RotateClockwise, RotateCounterClockwise, Rotate180, RotateClockwiseTimes
- ToFlat, ToNested, To2DArray
- ForEach
- Enumerate
- All
- AssignEach
- Visualize, VisualizeToConsole
- Equals
- ParseDyn
- ParseStringDyn
- ParseAndDeconstruct
- ToTokens
- ToIntTokens
- ToDoubleTokens
A queue which orders its elements by a given priority.
Represents a vector in two dimensional space.
DirectionMover simulates an etitiy, which can move in 2D space.
Represents a vector in three dimensional space.
Node used by graphs.
Interface which defines method to read a graph.
Abstract class which defines methods to manipulate a graph.
Standard implementation of a graph.
A graph which automatically assigns Ids to its nodes.
A graph which represents a two dimensional coordinate plane.
Node with children.
Node with children and weighted edges.
Node which automatically adds itself as a child to the node which has been added as a child.
BiDirectionalNode but with weighted edges.
Node with two children.
Standard implementation of a binary tree. Can be used as a sorted list.
Methods to handle input and output, handling files and console.