This is a simple Visualforce page and Lightning Component/Application that uses Id.getSObjectType to find key prefixes, including "hidden" object types.
Simply clone this project to your local system.
You'll need a metadata tool to deploy this code. You can use Salesforce DX, the Metadata Toolkit, Developer Workbench, or any other tool that supports deploying metadata.
Deploy this package to your org using any of several possible commands:
Click the button below to automatically deploy the package to your org:
sfdx force:mdapi:deploy -d src -u <org-alias> -w -1
Update the file with your Salesforce credentials, then run the following command:
ant deploy
Consult your documentation.
- Brian Fear - Initial Work - brianmfear
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- FishOfPrey for the original blog post that inspired this project.
- Andrew Fawcett for the awesome GitHub Deployment Tool.