Sorry currently not accepting interview requests or job offers thanks!
- 👋 Hi, I’m Brian Herman @brianherman
- 👀 I’m interested in python, javascript, vintage computing, git/github and IT Helpdesk support.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning how to build vintage computing networks and even more python!
- 📫 How to reach me 💻Experience💻 2014-Current
Unique Insurance/Producers National Produced payment webapp that handles hundreds of thousands of dollars of payment per day. PCI Compliant for seven years.
💻State Compliance💻
💻Created prototype of automated voice recognition system to take payments over the phone. Powered by Amazon services LEX, Lambda, and Connect.
💻 Lead design of state compliance for verification of auto insurance for the following states: Arizona, Illinois, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi
💻 Future lead of design for Utah, Louisiana, Florida.
Created custom insured portal that interfaced with separate system using SOAP/XML Insuresoft’s Diamond.
Maintained SOAP library to communicate with Diamond. Which is a fork of pysimplesoap.
💻 Tracked errors and bugs with self-hosted instance on Amazon.
🤖Automated Cancelation and Reinstatement Script🤖 👿 Went to various meetings for one year and designed the site by committee.
🤖👿Insured Portal👿🤖
Skills Used: 🐧,🤖
💻Skils💻 🤖 Automation/Testing 🤖 Test automation with selenium. Python pytest.
- Teaching and interviews
- Liason between different departments.
- Ubuntu with Enterprise Authentication with Active Directory.
- Debian Lenny ➡️ Sid (Current Unstable release.)
- Bash Scripting
- Cron Automation
🖥️Amazon Web Services🖥️
- Lambda (servers without code)
- Lex (Voice recognition with amazon)
- Connect Contact service (They a lot of services that have connect so this is basically an online call center.
- Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Like a cloud based vpn)
💻Other Skills💻 Diamond Composer Certifiable Pandas, DataFrames Tensorflow Deep Learning Training Data Cleaning Javascript JQuery React Swift Faxing Basic Security Administration SMTP